Experimental asset manager, based on cdnjs and microjs libs.
gimme is a little, experimental tool to manage web assets from the CLI.
It comes with 250+ available package to install right off the bat, and if that's not enough you can create your own package definition.
Experimental asset manager for cdnjs / microjs libs.
Usage: gimme <cmd> [options]
add Add a new bundle definition
bundle Concat and minifiy the given package(s) and local files
completion Setup tab completion
docs Tries to open package's documentation using default browser
help Shows the appropriate documentation page for the given command
html Show HTML snippet to include given package(s)
install Installs the lib(s) <name ...>
list List available packages
readme Show the appropriate documentation manpage generated from readme file
-l, --loglevel What level of log to report
-o, --output Output directory, defaults to ./js/libs
-v, --version Output program version
-d, --debug Slighly more verbose error output when set to true, defaults false
-ll, --limit Maximum number of results to output with paginated list
-h, --help Display help information
--props Optional list of package properties to output with list
--usage Display usage for given subcommand
--viewer The program to use to view help content, if `markdown` then output to stdout
--bundle When turned on, list will only display added bundles with `gimme add`
--url When turned on, html command will output url without surrounding <script>
-clipboard, --copy When turned on, html command will pipe the output to pbocpy instead of stdout
--nocompress Disable minification for js files with `bundle` command
add Add a new bundle definition
bundle Concat and minifiy the given package(s) and local files
docs Tries to open package's documentation using default browser
help Shows the appropriate documentation page for the given command
html Show HTML snippet to include given package(s)
install Installs the given packages
list List available packages
readme Show the appropriate documentation manpage generated from readme file
commands creating a new command
npm install gimme-assets -g
npm test
Create a new test
node test --create testname