

debugcharts Build Status

Go memory debug charts.

This package uses Plotly chart library. It is open source and free for use.


go get -v -u github.com/mkevac/debugcharts


Just install package and start http server. There is an example program here.

Then go to http://localhost:8080/debug/charts. You should see something like this: <img src="example/screenshot.png" />

Data is updated every second. We keep data for last day.

User https://github.com/dgryski/ proposed interesing way for turning debugcharts on/off for your project:

You can add tagged file like this in your code

// +build debugcharts

package main

import _ "github.com/mkevac/debugcharts"

If you want to use debugcharts, then build your project with -tags debugcharts


I use bindata to pack binary files into executable. Run make to rebuild.