


terminal_images is a Deno module and CLI tool, written in TypeScript, for displaying images in the terminal.

It supports PNGs, JPGs, GIFs and pixel arrays, and has support for animated GIFs and transparent images.

To install the CLI tool, run the following from the command line:

deno install --allow-read --allow-net -f -n terminal_images https://deno.land/x/terminal_images@3.1.0/cli.ts

Alternatively, terminal_images can be installed from nest.land at the URL https://x.nest.land/terminal_images@3.1.0/cli.ts.

Then run

terminal_images https://deno.land/images/artwork/hashrock_simple.png

...and you should see something like this:

basic terminal Deno image

Note that the size might be different, as by default it adapts to the size of your terminal.

You can also use the module, which exports two async functions: getImageStrings and printImage, which both take in an object with the same properties.

Here is an example of how you can use it:

import { printImage } from "https://deno.land/x/terminal_images@3.1.0/mod.ts";

  // replace this with the URL or local file path of the image you want to print out
  path: "https://deno.land/images/artwork/deno_city.jpeg",

  // by default the size of the image is set to fit in the terminal,
  // but you can override it with the width property
  width: 56,

This should output something like this:

pixelated terminal image


PropertyTypeDescriptionDefault ValueCLI Flag
pathstringThe path or URL of the input image.No default--file or -f or the first CLI argument
rawFileUint8ArrayThe raw data of the input image. (You can use this instead of path)No default[No CLI flag]
rawPixels{data: Uint8Array; width: number; height: number}The rgb(a) data (as well as the height and width) of the input image. (You can use this instead of path or rawFile)No default[No CLI flag]
colorbooleanWhether the output should be in color.true--no-color or -n to turn off color
characterMapstring | string[]See the section on character maps for more information.By default a character map isn't used, and high-res mode is used instead.--character-map or -m
invertedbooleanWhether the character map should be mapped from light to dark instead of dark to light. Normally you will want to set this to true if your terminal is in a dark theme.false--inverted or -i
widthnumberThe number of characters wide the image should be.The maximum value where all of the image is visible at once--width or -w
animationLoopsnumberThe number of times the animation loops, if the image is animated.1--animation-loops or -l
transparencyThresholdnumberThe alpha threshold for considering a pixel transparent or opaque. Set to 0 to ignore transparency and 255 to set anything with even a little transparency to be completely transparent. Note that the terminal can only display completely transparent and completely opaque colors.1--transparency-threshold or -t

Because the size of the image automatically adapts to the size of your console, the image produced will have a higher resolution (unless you have manually set width) if the font size is smaller and the terminal window is larger, as more can fit on the screen.

Character map?

The "character map" is the characters that are used to display the image. If no character map is specified, it will default to high(er) resolution mode--see the module usage example above.

The characters at the beginning of the character map should be the darkest and the ones at the end be the lightest. You can switch this around by using the inverted flag/property.

If you are using the module, you can set the character map to an array of strings, where each element will be used as a pixel color (rather than each character of the string).

Some tips for using character maps:

Required Permissions

--allow-net_To fetch images from the web
--allow-read_To use images stored locally

Either --allow-net or --allow-read is needed when using path (--file in the CLI tool). When using rawFile or rawPixels no permission flags are required.


Inverted image loaded from unsplash Colored high-res image loaded from unsplash

For more example outputs, have a look at the examples folder.



Contributions are welcome and greatly appreciated! Just pick something to do (the todo list above is a good starting point) and let me know you want to work on it by opening an issue or commenting on a relevant existing issue.

If you think you have found a bug, or would like to make a suggestion, please open an issue (after checking for similar issues).


terminal_images is under the open source MIT license. See the LICENSE file for legal words.