


lua-nginx-osm - Lua Tirex client driver for the ngx_lua based on the cosocket API


Current version is 0.43, 21, October, 2013. This library is considered active development status.


This Lua library is a Tirex client driver for the ngx_lua nginx module:


This Lua library takes advantage of ngx_lua's cosocket API, which ensures 100% nonblocking behavior.

It also includes utility to handle metatile, URIs in Lua language. These utility is not depend on nginx, means pure lua implementation.

Note that at least ngx_lua 0.8.1 is required.

If you use Ubuntu Linux 12.04 (LTS) and after, there is a PPA(private package archive) for you. http://launchpad.net/~osmjapan/+archive/ppa Please see the above page for detail instructions.


lua_package_path "/path/to/lua-nginx-osm/?.lua;;";
lua_shared_dict osm_tirex 10m; ## mandatory to use osm.tirex module

server {
    location /example {
        content_by_lua '
            local tirex = require "osm.tirex"
            local tile = require "osm.tile"
            local data = require "osm.data"
            -- --------------------------------------------------
            -- check uri
            -- --------------------------------------------------
            local uri = ngx.var.uri
            local map = "example"
            local x, y, z = tile.get_cordination(uri, map, ".png")
            if not x then
                return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            -- check x, y, z range
            local max_zoom = 18
            local min_zoom = 5
            if not tile.check_integrity_xyzm(x, y, z, minz, maxz) then
                return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            -- check x, y, z supported to generate
            local region = data.get_region("japan")
            if not osm_tile.is_inside_region(region, x, y, z)
                -- try upstream server?
                return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_FORBIDDEN)
            -- try renderd file
            local tilefile = tile.xyz_to_metatile_filename(x, y, z)
            local tilepath = tirex_tilepath.."/"..map.."/"..tilefile
            local png, err = tile.get_tile(tilepath, x, y, z)
            if png then
                ngx.header.content_type = "image/png"
                return ngx.OK

            -- ask tirex to render it
            local ok = tirex.send_request(map, x, y, z)
            if not ok then
                return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)

            -- get tile image from metatile
            local png, err = tile.get_tile(tilepath, x, y, z)
            if png then
                ngx.header.content_type = "image/png"
                return ngx.OK
            return ngx.exit(ngx.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)

Tile Methods


syntax: x, y, z = get_cordination(uri, map, ext)

Retrive x/y/z from uri path. If client GET uri /example/9/3/1.png then example map, z =9, x=3 and y=1 and extension is png.


syntax: filename = osm.tile.xyz_to_metatile_filename(x, y, z)

Generate metatile filename from x/y/z cordination.


syntax: png, err = osm.tile.get_tile(tilepath, x, y, z)

Get chunk of png image data of x/y/z cordination from metatile tilepath.


syntax: ok = osm.tile.check_integrity_xyzm(x, y, z, minz, maxz)

Check whether x/y/z integrity. Tile x/y/z definition details are in https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames


syntax: ok = osm.tile.check_integrity_xyzm(x, y, z)

Same as check_integrity_xyzm() but don't check z range.


syntax: include = osm.tile.is_inside_region(region, x, y, z)

Check x/y/z cordination is located and inside of region. region should be get from 'osm.data'

Data methods

syntax: * region = data.get_region("japan"))*

Get region definition table of argument country/area. This can use for is_inside_region() method.

Now provide following area/country data:


Tirex Methods


syntax: result = osm.tirex.request(map, x, y, z1, z2, priority)

Request enqueue command to rendering map 'map' with x/y/z1 cordination and priority. And also request to render in background between zoom z1 to z2. If request fails return nil.

When z1 == z2, just ask to render single tile.


syntax: result = osm.tirex.cancel(map, x, y, z1, z2, priority)

Request dequeue command to rendering map 'map' with x/y/z1 cordination and priority.And also request to cancel in background between zoom z1 to z2. If request fails return nil.


syntax: result = osm.tirex.ping()

Request ping command. If request fails return nil.

Obsolete functions


syntax: result = osm.tirex.send_request(map, x, y, z)

Request enqueue command to rendering map 'map' with x/y/z cordination. If request fails return nil.


syntax: result = osm.tirex.enqueue_request(map, x, y, z, priority)

Request enqueue command to rendering map 'map' with x/y/z cordination and priority. If request fails return nil.


syntax: result = osm.tirex.dequeue_request(map, x, y, z, priority)

Request dequeue command to rendering map 'map' with x/y/z cordination and priority. If request fails return nil.



English Mailing List

The tile-serving mailing list is for English speakers. It is for all topic about tile serving development of openstreetmap, not only this project.

Web Chat

The osmfj-devel web chat is in Japanese/English. It is a chat room mainly for OSM Japan site and related software development.

Bugs and Patches

Please report bugs or submit patches by

  1. creating a ticket on the GitHub Issue Tracker,

  2. There are known problem that Tirex cannot response properly so we need to patch to tirex.


If you use Tirex 0.4.1(original) or tirex-0.4.1ppa4 and below, you need to patch to tirex. Here is a patch file in misc/tirex-peer.diff.


Hiroshi Miura miurahr@osmf.jp, OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan

Copyright and License

Hiroshi Miura, 2013 OpenStreetMap Foundation Japan, 2013

Distributed under GPLv3 License.

See Also

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