

SimHarness2: Modular Reinforcement Learning Harness for Natural Disaster Modelers (RLlib)

<figure> <p align="center"> <p align="center"> <img src="assets/icons/simharness2_logo.png"> </p> </figure>


SimHarness is a modular reinforcement learning harness based on the RLlib framework written in PyTorch made to interact with natural disaster modelers. SimHarness's easy-to-use interface allows for the quick and simple training of intelligent agents within any simulation that implements the required API interface, such as SimFire.


Clone the repository:

git clone https://gitlab.mitre.org/fireline/reinforcementlearning/simharness2.git

Then, create and populate the sh2 conda environment with project dependencies:

cd simharness2/
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
# Create a conda environment with the correct python version
conda create --yes --name sh2 python=3.9.*
conda activate sh2
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install ray[rllib]==2.3.0


export REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
export SSL_CERT_FILE=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt

Building Docker Image(s)

There are different flavors of docker images and only one of them (simple) currently works. The order of this section is by order of how close I think each dockerfile is to producing a working image once built.


File: docker/simple.dockerfile

The simplest docker image just has the rayproject/ray:2.3.0-py39-gpu image as the base image and uses the requirements.txt file to install the dependencies during build time. This doesn't install poetry or is using multi-stage builds because that was causing major headaches due to the way ray builds their docker images. The more complicated docker images below don't currently work but are described anyway.

The problem with this is that the requirements.txt file has to be updated along with poetry to ensure the builds work. Not ideal.

To build:

docker build -f docker/simple.dockerfile .


File: docker/ray.dockerfile

This was an attempt at using poetry to install the dependencies in the rayproject/ray:2.3.0-py39-gpu docker image, using it as a single stage build. This didn't work because I couldn't get the image to use the correct python when either installing the dependencies through poetry or running the test script after build when doing docker run ....

To build:

docker build -f docker/ray.dockerfile .


File: docker/multi.dockerfile

This is the most-tested multi-stage build dockerfile, but still does not work. It uses continuumio/miniconda3:latest as the build stage and rayproject/ray:2.3.0-py39-gpu as the deploy stage. I couldn't get the conda environment built in the first stage (using poetry) to correctly copy over to the second stage so that it could be used. This is because of how the ray image is built.

To build:

docker build -f docker/multi.dockerfile .


File: docker/nvidia.dockerfile

This image is essentially the same as the multi image, but it uses nvidia/cuda:11.2.0-runtime-ubuntu20.04 as the deploy image to get around the difficulties of multi. This didn't work either.

To build:

docker build -f docker/nvidia.dockerfile .

Code Server

File: docker/code-server.dockerfile

This was just the beginnings of putting the necessary packages into a docker image that also had code-server installed. Not tested all that much.

To build:

docker build -f docker/code-server.dockerfile .