

ATLAS Website

ATLAS enables researchers to navigate the landscape of threats to artificial intelligence systems. Visit https://atlas.mitre.org for more information.

This repository contains the ATLAS website source code, which is built upon Vue 3 and served via GitHub Pages at https://atlas.mitre.org.

Initial Git Setup

This project uses the atlas-data project in this group as a Git submodule in public/atlas-data.

Clone the repository using git clone --recurse-submodules, or if the repository is already cloned, run git submodule init then git submodule update.

Once the submodule is available, run the following once to sparse checkout only the necessary files in the dist directory.

git -C static/atlas-data/ config core.sparseCheckout true
echo 'dist/*' >> .git/modules/static/atlas-data/info/sparse-checkout
git submodule update --force --checkout static/atlas-data/

Updating ATLAS Data

To update atlas-data, run git submodule update --remote to get the latest from its main branch, then commit the result.

Development Setup

Ensure node and npm are available - currently using node v20.

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Serve with hot reload
$ npm run dev

# Build for production and launch preview server
$ npm run build
$ npm run preview


Copyright 2021-2024 The MITRE Corporation. Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited. Case Number 21-2363.