

18.338: Eigenvalues of random matrices, Fall 2024


Announcements will be made in piazza most of the times. If you haven't already, please sign up at https://piazza.com/mit/fall2024/18338.

Previous versions:

Lecturer: Prof. Alan Edelman

This is the repository for public materials for the MIT course 18.338, Eigenvalues of random matrices, for the Fall 2024 semester.

Location and Time

The class will be held in 2-147 from 3--4:30pm every Monday and Wednesday.

Course Description:

We focus on the mathematics of random matrices - from the finite to the infinite, and beyond.

Our emphasis will be on interplay between the varying mathematical tools that have come to play in the modern understanding of random matrix theory. We will also discuss applications of random matrix techniques to problems in engineering and science. In 2024 we may focus on orthogonal polynomial theory.

Additional topics will be decided based on the interests of the students. No particular prerequisites are needed though a proficiency in linear algebra and basic probability will be assumed. A familiarity with numerical computing languages such as Julia, MATLAB, or Mathematica may be useful .... our primary focus will be Julia and some Mathematica.

This is a graduate course that is intended to be flexible so as to cover the backgrounds of different students. Generally grading will be based on satisfactory completion of problem sets and projects or equivalents. Homework may be peer graded, and we may look to a rotating student for solutions. Homework may be every week or two.


There will be a few homeworks to start class off including access to the course textbook (being written) where comments are being asked for. Submit your homework via canvas.mit.edu. If you are not enrolled in 18338 canvas, please email the TA.

19/16 MondayCh 5, 10, 11HW 1
29/23 MondayCh 1, 2, 3HW 2
310/7 MondayCh 13, 14HW 3
410/16 WedHW4 - Please describe briefly your selected class project, ideally (though not required) involving math and computation

Research Questions

Combinatorics of Wachter's Law
pdf listing from 2023
MOPS in Julia
Lanczos on Multivariate Orthogonal Polynomials
QR Multivariate implementation (in Julia, Symbolically if possible)
Check Hermite, Laguerre, Jacobi Eigenvalue (of Laplace-Beltrami) - check it in Julia
second derivative of det(moment) and painleve
Simple derivation paper applied to Laguerre and Jacobi
See if there’s any easier derivation of TW starting from their R, S recursion
Simple TW derivation for GOE/GSE
Simple TW derivation for LUE/JUE

Schedule (Tentative)

#DayDateTopicReadingHW Due
1W4-SepHermite, Laguerre and Jacobi ensemble: the ubiquitous triad[Slides]
2M9-SepSemicircle, Quartercircle, Circular and other infinite RMT LawsCh 3 Research: Wachter's Law Combinatorics
3W11-SepRandom Matrix Decomposition and Finite RMTCh 5
4M16-SepMatrix Calculus and Jacobians of Matrix DecompositionsCh 10, 11HW 1 Due
5W18-SepMatrix Calculus and Differential FormsCh 11
6M23-SepOrthogonal Polynomial IntroProject Idea: MOPS in Julia
7W25-SepMultivariate Orthogonal Polynomial Theory
8M30-SepUnivariate Orthogonal Polynomial Theory
9W2-OctOrthogonal Polynomials and RMT
10W7-OctIntroduction to Discrete DPP
11W9-OctDPPs in Random Matrix Theory
M14-OctIndigenous People's Day
12W16-OctPossible Class Projects
13M21-OctComputational Experiments with DPP
14W23-OctAlgorithms for DPPs
15M28-OctProjection DPP Algorithm / Kesten-McKay Law
16W30-OctGrowth Processes, Aztec Diamonds and Tracy Widom
17M4-NovLongest Increasing Subsequence
18W6-NovBrownian Motion
M11-NovVeterans Day
19W13-NovProject Plan Presentations
20M18-NovFree Probability Intro
21W20-NovFree Probability R-Transform
22M25-NovHow many roots are real?
W27-NovCanceled for Thanksgiving travel
24W4-DecProject Presentation I
25M9-DecProject Presentation II
26W11-DecProject Presentation III
We are here ↑ ↑ Below is tentative and maybe should be ignored
6M23-SepMultivariate Orthogonal PolynomialsAztec NotesHW 2 Due
7W25-SepAlgorithms for Sampling DPPs
8M30-SepDPPs[Notebook] [DPPnotes]
9W2-OctLongest Increasing Sequence (LIS)
10M7-OctLIS and RSK algorithm
11W9-OctLIS and Group representation
M14-OctIndigenous People's Day
12W16-OctSchur polynomialsHW 3 Due
13M21-OctJack polynomials I
14W23-OctJack polynomials II
15M28-OctProject presentation (Midterm)
16W30-OctTracy-Widom I
17M4-NovTracy-Widom II
18W6-NovAztec Diamond and Airy Process
M11-NovVeterans Day
19W13-NovGrowth Process I
20M18-NovGrowth Process III
21W20-NovFree Probability I
22M25-NovFree Probability II
W27-NovCanceled for Thanksgiving travel
23M2-DecFree Probability III: Free Cumulants
24W4-DecProject Presentation I
25M9-DecProject Presentation II
26W11-DecProject Presentation III

Previous Projects

2024Cecelia ChenComputing Multivariate Orthogonal Baseslinklink
Vaibhav DixitEvolution of Eigenvalue Spectrum of Fully Connected (Dense) Layers in DNNslink
Jennifer HritzConstructing approximately Haar-random unitaries from GUEslinklinklink
Joonsoo LeeDerivatives of Randomized Matrix Approximation Algorithmslink
Donald StralkusUniversality in Inner-Product Random Geometric Graphslinklink
Nicholas WestFast eigendecomposition of unitary upper Hessenberg matriceslinklinklink
Joanna Zouk-DPPs: Fixed-Size Determinantal Point Processes for Diversity-Based Subsamplinglinklinklink
Alec ZhuSpacing of Riemann Zeta Zeros in Julialinklink
2023Gaurav AryaDifferentiable Determinental Point Processeslink
Andrey Bryutkin & Diego ChavezPainlevé Systems and Eigenvalue Distributionslinklinklink
Bünyamin Kartal & Maison ClouâtréRandom Quantum Density Operatorslinklink link
Matthew Esmaili MalloryFree Probability & The Free Central Limit Theoremlinklink
Mali HalacDeterminantal Point Processes (DPPs) Improve KNN Clasifier Performance in Bioimpendence Analysislink
Tanshiq KumarRandom Matrix Theory and Generalization in Neural Networkslinklink
Yizhou LiuAre Interactions Reallink
Shyam NarayanTail Bounds on the Smallest Singular Value of a Rectangular Random Matrixlinklinklink
Nicholas StilesEigenvectors of the Correlation Matrixlinklink
Songchen TanApplication of RMT in some Discrete Optimization Problemslink
Harry WaldenRoots of Random Polynomials with Integral Geometrylinklinklink
2022Xiaomin Li & Yi TianLimiting Spectral Distributions of Random Matrices under Finite-Rank Perturbationslinklinklink
Ron NissimThe KPZ Equation and Fixed Pointlink
Evelyn RingootLargest Singular Values of Bi-Diagonal matrices in Julialinklinklink
Guanghao Ye & Lichen ZhangHow to Sample Uniform Spanning Trees, DPPs, and NDPPslink
Bowen ZhuMultivariate Orthogonal Polynomials Symbolically in Julialink
Kyle FridbergRandom Reflections in R^2link
Luke RobitailleMoments of Wachter Lawlink
2021Aleksandr ZiminThe Weingartens function for beta=1,2,4 and its possible generalizations using Jack polynomialslinklink
Aviva EnglanderMaximum Eigenvalues in Brownian Motion and Their Correlation with the Airy Processlinklink
Daniel PickardSampling Continuous Determinantal Point Processes with ApproxFunlinklinklink
Hussein FellahiRandom Matrix Filteringlinklinklink
Jiahai FengHypothesis testing in high dimensionslinklink
Josefina MenendezWhat is the expected number of points drawn from a Determinantal Point Process defined by a Wishart kernel?link
Madhav SankaranarayananDeterminantal Point Processes and Growth Modelslinklinklink
Saaketh VedantamAnalyzing Higher Order Effects on Eigenvalueslinklink
Theo DiamandisRandomization to Speed up Convex Optimizationlinklink
2020Max LiExploring Densities of Gaussian Quadratic Formslinklink
Poorya HabibzadehDeriving a closed form for the Cauchy transform of two lawslink
Shawn ImDeterminantal Point Processes and β-ensembleslink
Chun-Hei LamComputation of Equilibrium Measurelinklink
Tony TohmeSimplexmethod and random matriceslinklink
2017Sungwoo JeongJacobians of Matrix decompositionslink
2016Antoni MusolasDifferential geometrical approach to covariance estimation
Manishika AgaskarDiffraction gain of free-space optical communications in atmospheric turbulence
Hong HuSpectral Initialization and its Performance Analysis
Anuran MakurMaximal Correlation Functions: Hermite, Laguerre, and Jacobi
John UrschelOn the Minimal Eigenpair of Erdos-Renyi Graphs
John NappRMT and the complexity of linear optics
Alex WeinRandom Matrix Contiguity
Ravi BajajCentral Limit Theorem for log-Determinant of Wigner Matrices
Brandon TranApplication of phase transitions in spiked covariance matrices to synchronization problems
2012Chenhui HuSpectral Perturbation of Small-World Networkslinklink
Mina KarzandRandom Matrix Theory and Non-coherent MIMO Communicationslinklink
Charlotte KiangRMT Applications to Control Theorylinklink
Yi SunVirasoro Constraints and the Tracy-Widom Lawlinklink
Matt WelbornDensity of states of disordered systems via free additionlink
Helen XieRMT Applications to Transport Propertylinklink
Yufei ZhaoSpectral Distributions of Random Graphslinklink
Yi ZengNorth Pole Problemlinklink
2009Gregory MintonMoments of Random Orthogonal Matriceslinklink