

MIT Course 18.065/18.0651, Spring 2023

This is a repository for the course 18.065: Matrix Methods in Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Machine Learning at MIT in Spring 2023. See also 18.065 from spring 2018 (MIT OpenCourseWare) for a previous version of this class.

Instructor: Prof. Steven G. Johnson.

Lectures: MWF1 in 2-190. Handwritten notes are posted, along with video recordings (MIT only).

Office hours (virtual): Thursdays at 4pm via Zoom.

Textbook: Linear Algebra and Learning from Data by Gilbert Strang (2019). (Additional readings will be posted in lecture summaries below.)

Resources: Piazza discussion forum, pset partners.

Grading: 50% homework, 50% final project.

Homework: Biweekly, due Fridays (2/17, 3/3, 3/17, 4/7, 4/21, 5/5) on Canvas. You may consult with other students or any other resources you want, but must write up your solutions on your own. Psets are accepted until solutions are posted (sometime Friday); extensions require permission of instructor.

Exams: None.

Final project: Due May 15 on Canvas. You can work in groups of 1–3 (sign up on Canvas).

What followes is a brief summary of what was covered in each lecture, along with links and suggestions for further reading. It is not a good substitute for attending lecture, but may provide a useful study guide.

Lecture 1 (Feb 6)

Further reading: Textbook 1.1–1.3. OCW lecture 1

Lecture 2 (Feb 8)

Further reading: Textbook 1.3–1.6. OCW lecture 2. If you haven't seen matrix multiplication by blocks before, here is a nice video.

Optional Julia Tutorial: Wed Feb 8 @ 5pm via Zoom

A basic overview of the Julia programming environment for numerical computations that we will use in 18.06 for simple computational exploration. This (Zoom-based) tutorial will cover what Julia is and the basics of interaction, scalar/vector/matrix arithmetic, and plotting — we'll be using it as just a "fancy calculator" and no "real programming" will be required.

If possible, try to install Julia on your laptop beforehand using the instructions at the above link. Failing that, you can run Julia in the cloud (see instructions above).

Lecture 3 (Feb 10)

Choosing the right "coordinate system" (= "right basis" for linear transformations) is a key aspect of data science, in order to reveal and simplify information. The "nicest" bases are often orthonormal. (The opposite is a nearly linearly dependent "ill-conditioned" basis, which can greatly distort data.)

Orthonormal bases ⟺ QᵀQ=I, hence basis coefficients c=Qᵀx from dot products. QQᵀ is orthogonal projection onto C(Q). A square Q with orthonormal columns is known as a "orthogonal matrix" or (more generally) as a "unitary matrix": it has Qᵀ=Q⁻¹ (both its rows and columns are orthonormal). Qx preserves length ‖x‖=‖Qx‖ and dot products (angles) x⋅y=(Qx)⋅(Qy). Less obviously: any square matrix that preserves length must be unitary.

Some important examples of unitary matrices:

Further reading: Textbook section 1.5 (orthogonality), 1.6 (eigenproblems), and 4.1 (Fourier); OCW lecture 3. The fact that preserving lengths implies unitarity is not obvious, but is proved in various textbooks; a concise summary is found here. The relationship between symmetries and Fourier-like transforms can be most generally studied through the framework of "group representation theory"; see e.g. textbooks on "group theory in physics" like Inui et al. (1996). Of course, there are whole books just on the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), just on wavelet transforms, etcetera, and you can find lots of material online at many levels of sophistication.

Lecture 4 (Feb 13)

Reviewed eigenvectors/eigenvalues Ax=λx, which make a square matrix act like a scalar λ. For an m×m matrix A, you get m eigenvalues λₖ from the roots (possibly repeated) of the characteristic polynomial det(A-λΙ), and you almost always get m independent eigenvalues xₖ (except in the very rare case of a defective matrix).

Went through the example of the 4×4 cyclic-shift permutation P from last lecture, and showed that P⁴x=x ⥰ λ⁴=1 ⥰ λ=±1,±i. We can then easily obtain the corresponding eigenvectors, and put them into the "discrete Fourier transform" matrix F.

I then claimed that the eigenvectors (properly scaled) are orthonormal, so that F is unitary, but there is a catch: we need to generalize our definition of "dot"/inner product for complex vectors and matrices. For complex vectors, the dot product x⋅y is conj(xᵀ)y (conj=complex conjugate), not xᵀy. And the length of a vector is then ‖x‖² = x⋅x = ∑ᵢ|xᵢ|², which is always ≥ 0 (and = 0 only for x=0). The "adjoint" conj(xᵀ) is sometimes denoted "xᴴ" (or x<sup>*</sup> in math, or x<sup></sup> in physics). A unitary matrix is now more generally one for which QᴴQ=I, and we see that our Fourier matrix F is indeed unitary. And unitary matrices still preserve lengths (and inner products) with the complex inner product.

If we do a change of basis x=Bc, then Ax=λx is transformed to Cc=λc, where C=B⁻¹AB. C and A are called similar matrices, and we see that they are just the same linear operator in different bases; similar matrices always have identical eigenvalues, and eigenvectors transformed by a factor of B.

The most important change of basis for eigenproblems is changing to the basis of eigenvectors X, and showed that this gives the diagonalizaton X⁻¹AX=Λ ⟺ A = XΛX⁻¹. However, this basis may be problematic in a variety of ways if the eigenvectors are nearly dependent (X is nearly singular or "ill-conditioned", corresponding to A being nearly defective).

The nice case of diagonalization is when you have orthonormal eigenvectors X=Q, and it turns out that this arises whenever A commutes with its conjugate-transpose Aᴴ (these are called normal matrices), and give A=QΛQᴴ. Two important cases are:

Further reading OCW lecture 4 and textbook section I.6.

Lecture 5 (Feb 15)

Further reading OCW lecture 5 and textbook section I.7. In Julia, the isposdef function checks whether a matrix is positive definite, and does so using a Cholesky factorization (which is just Gaussian elimination speeded up 2× for SPD matrices, and fails if it encounters a negative pivot). See also these lecture slides from Stanford for more properties, examples, and applications of SPD matrices. See the matrix calculus course at MIT for a more general presentation of derivatives, gradients, and second derivatives (Hessians) of functions with vector inputs/outputs.

Lecture 6 (Feb 17)

Further reading: OCW lecture 6 and textbook section I.8. The Wikipedia SVD article.

Lecture 7 (Feb 21)

Further reading: Textbook sections I.9, I.11, III.5. OCW lecture 7 and lecture 8.

Lecture 8 (Feb 22)

Further reading: Textbook sections I.9, V.1, V.4. OCW lecture 7 and OCW lecture 20.

Lecture 9 (Feb 24)

Further reading: Textbook section II.2 and OCW lecture 9. Many advanced linear-algebra texts talk about the practical aspects of roundoff errors in QR and least-squares, e.g. Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen and Bau (the 18.335 textbook). A nice historical review can be found in the article Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization: 100 years and more. Rarely (on a computer) explicitly form AᵀA or solve the normal equations: it turns out that this greatly exacerbates the sensitivity to numerical errors (in 18.335, you would learn that it squares the condition number). Instead, we typically use the A=QR factorization and solve Rx̂=Qᵀb. Better yet, just do A \ b (in Julia or Matlab) or the equivalent in other languages (e.g. numpy.linalg.lstsq), which will use a good algorithm. (Even professionals can get confused about this.)

Lecture 10 (Feb 27)

Further reading: Training/test data: VMLS section 13.2. Condition numbers: Strang exercises II.3, OCW video lecture 10, and these 18.06 notes; a more in-depth treatment can be found in e.g. Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen and Bau (the 18.335 textbook). Tikhonov regularization: Strang section II.2, OCW video lecture 10, VMLS section 15.3. Underdetermined minimum-norm solutions: Strang section II.2, OCW video lecture 11, UIUC Nonlinear Programming lecture notes.

Lecture 11 (Mar 1)

Further reading: Strang II.2, II.4.

Lecture 12 (Mar 3)

Further reading: For Gram–Schmidt and QR, see further reading for lecture 9. Texbook section II.1, OCW video lecture 10. Sparse-direct solvers are described in detail by the book Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems by Davis. Iterative methods: More advanced treatments include the book Numerical Linear Algebra by Trefethen and Bao, and surveys of algorithms can be found in the Templates books for Ax=b and Ax=λx. Some crude rules of thumb for solving linear systems (from 18.335 spring 2020).

Lecture 13 (Mar 6)

Further reading: Arnoldi iterations and GMRES are covered in the Strang textbook section II.1, and briefly in OCW lecture 12; much more detail is found other sources (Trefethen, etc.) noted in the further reading for Lecture 12. A review of randomized linear algebra can be found in the Strang textbook sec. II.4, and also in Halko, Martinsson, and Tropp (2011). A recent paper on a variety of new randomized algorithms, e.g. for "sketched" least-square problems or to accelerate iterative algorithms like GMRES, is Nakatsukasa and Tropp (2022). A nice review of the randomized SVD can be found in a blog post by Gregory Gundersen (2019).

Lecture 14 (Mar 8)

Further reading: See links above, and further reading from lecture 13.

Lecture 15 (Mar 10)

Further reading: In addition to the links above, these subjects are covered in countless statistics textbooks and courses. For example, see these course notes from CMU

Lecture 16 (Mar 13)

Broad overview of optimization problems (see slides). The most general formulation is actually quite difficult to solve, so most algorithms (especially the most efficient algorithms) solve various special cases, and it is important to know what the key factors are that distinguish a particular problem. There is also something of an art to the problem formulation itself, e.g. a nondifferentiable minimax problem can be reformulated as a nicer differentiable problem with differentiable constraints.

Further reading: There are many textbooks on nonlinear optimization algorithms of various sorts, including specialized books on convex optimization, derivative-free optimization, etcetera. A useful review of topology-optimization methods can be found in Sigmund and Maute (2013).

Lecture 17 (Mar 15)

Reviewed and broadened differential calculus (18.01 and 18.02) from the perspective of 18.06, where we view a derivative f′(x) as a linear operator acting on a small change in the input (dx) to give you the change in the output (df) to first order in dx ("linearized"). This viewpoint makes it easy to generalize derivatives, to scalar-valued functions of vectors where f′(x) is the transposed gradient (∇f)ᵀ, to vector-valued functions of vectors where f′(x) is the Jacobian matrix, and even to matrix-valued functions of matrices like f(x)=A² ⥰ df = A×dA+dA×A or f(x)=A⁻¹ ⥰ df=–A⁻¹×dA×A⁻¹; in both these cases f′(x) is a linear operator f′(x)[dA] that takes dA in and gives df out, but cannot be written simply as (matrix)×dA.

Derivatives viewed as linear approximations have many important applications in science, machine learning, statistics, and engineering. For example, ∇f is essential for large-scale optimization of scalar-valued functions f(x), and we will see that how you compute the gradient is also critical for practical reasons. As another example, there is the multidimensional Newton algorithm for finding roots f(x)=0 of systems of nonlinear equations: At each step, you just solve a linear system of equations with the Jacobian matrix of f(x), and it converges incredibly rapidly.

Further reading: This material was presented in much greater depth in our 18.S096: Matrix Calculus course in IAP 2022 and IAP 2023. The viewpoint of derivatives as linear operators (also called Fréchet derivatives) was covered in lectures 1 and 2 of 18.S096, Newton's method was covered in lecture 4, and automatic differentiation was covered in lectures 5 and 8 — see the posted lecture materials and the further-reading links therein. This notebook has a Newton's method example demo where we solve a 2d version of the famous Thomson problem to find the equilibrium position of N repulsive "point charges" constrained to lie on a circle; more generally, a sphere or hypersphere.

Lecture 18 (Mar 17)

Showed that d(A⁻¹)=–A⁻¹ dA A⁻¹. (For example, if you have a matrix A(t) that depends on a scalar t∈ℝ, this tells you that d(A⁻¹)/dt = –A⁻¹ dA/dt A⁻¹.) Applied this to computing ∇ₚf for scalar functions f(A⁻¹b) where A(p) depends on some parameters p∈ℝⁿ, and showed that ∂f/∂pᵢ = -(∇ₓf)ᵀA⁻¹(∂A/∂pᵢ)x. Moreover, showed that it is critically important to evaluate this expression from left to right, i.e. first computing vᵀ=-(∇ₓf)ᵀA⁻¹m, which corresponds to solving the "adjoint (transposed) equation" Aᵀv=–∇ₓf. By doing so, you can compute both f and ∇ₚf at the cost of only "two solves" with matrices A and Aᵀ. This is critically important in enabling engineering/physics optimization, where you often want to optimize a property of the solution A⁻¹b of a physical model A depending on many design variables p (e.g. the distribution of materials in space).

More generally, presented the chain rule for f(g(x)) (f'(x)=g'(h(x))h'(x), where this is a composition of two linear operations, performing h' then g' — g'h' ≠ h'g'!). For functions from vectors to vectors, the chain rule is simply the product of Jacobians. Moreover, as soon as you compose 3 or more functions, it can a make a huge difference whether you multiply the Jacobians from left-to-right ("reverse-mode", or "backpropagation", or "adjoint differentiation") or right-to-left ("forward-mode"). Showed, for example, that if you have many inputs but a single output (as is common in machine learning and other types of optimization problem), that it is vastly more efficient to multiply left-to-right than right-to-left, and such "backpropagation algorithms" are a key factor in the practicality of large-scale optimization (including machine learning and neural nets).

Further reading: For the derivative of A(t)⁻¹, see Strang sec. III.1 and OCW lecture 15; for backpropagation, see Strang sec. VII.3 and OCW lecture 27. See also these slides from our matrix calculus course (lecture 4) on adjoint methods for f(A⁻¹b) and similar problems in engineering design. See the notes on adjoint methods and slides from 18.335 in spring 2021 (video) The terms "forward-mode" and "reverse-mode" differentiation are most prevalent in automatic differentiation (AD). You can find many, many articles online about backpropagation in neural networks. This video on the principles of AD in Julia by Dr. Mohamed Tarek also starts with a similar left-to-right (reverse) vs right-to-left (forward) viewpoint and goes into how it translates to Julia code, and how you define custom chain-rule steps for Julia AD.

Lecture 19 (Mar 20)

Further reading: Strang section VI.4; OCW lecture 21 and OCW lecture 22.

Lecture 20 (Mar 22)

Further reading: Strang section VI.4 and OCW lecture 23. Conjugate gradient as an ideal Krylov method is covered by many authors, e.g. in Trefethen and Bau lecture 38 or by Shewchuk (1994); nonlinear conjugate gradient is reviewed by Hager and Zhang (2006) and its connection to "momentum" terms is covered by e.g. Bhaya and Kaszkurewicz (2004). For accelerated gradient descent, see these lecture notes from H. Fawzi at Cambridge Univ, and this blog post by A. Wibosono at Yale. A recent article by Karimi and Vavasis (2021) presents an algorithm that blends the strengths of nonlinear conjugate gradient and accelerated gradient descent.

Lecture 21 (Mar 24)

Further reading: Strang section VI.5 and OCW lecture 25. There are many, many tutorials on this topic online. See also the links and references in the Julia notebook.

Lecture 22 (Apr 3)

In order to handle optimization problems with constraints, it's useful to first generalize the local optimality criterion ∇f₀=0 for unconstrained problems, and this leads us into Lagrangians, duality, and KKT conditions.

Started by reviewing the basic idea of Lagrange multipliers to find an extremum of one function f₀(x) and one equality constraint h₁(x)=0. We instead find an extremum of L(x,ν₁)=f₀(x)+ν₁h₁(x) over x and the Lagrange multiplier ν₁. The ν₁ partial derivative of L ensures h₁(x)=0, in which case L=f0 and the remaining derivatives extremize f0 along the constraint surface. Noted that ∇L=0 then enforces ∇f₀=0 in the direction parallel to the constraint, whereas perpendicular to the constraint ν₁ represents a "force" that prevents x from leaving the h₁(x)=0 constraint surface.

Generalized to the Lagrangian L(x,λ,ν) of the general optimization problem (the "primal" problem) with both inequality and equality constraints, following chapter 5 of the Boyd and Vandenberghe book (see below) (section 5.1.1).

Described the KKT conditions for a (local) optimum/extremum (Boyd, section 5.5.3). These are true in problems with strong duality, as pointed out by Boyd, but they are actually true in much more general conditions. For example, they hold under the "LICQ" condition in which the gradients of all the active constraints are linearly independent.

Further reading: Convex Optimization by Boyd and Vandenberghe (free book online), chapter 5. There are many sources on Lagrange multipliers (the special case of equality constraints) online that can be found by googling.

Lecture 23 (Apr 5)

Further reading: See the textbook sections III.3–III.4. These slides by Stephen J. Wright at Univ. Wisc. are similar (but more in depth) to the approach from lecture. This 2011 seminar by Stephen Boyd on ADMM may also be useful, and you can find many other resources online. Many of these sources cover only equality constraints, but augmented Lagrangians can also be used for inequality constraints, e.g. as described in Birgin et al. (2007).

Lecture 24 (Apr 7)

Went over very different example of a nonlinear optimization scheme, solving a fairly general inequality-constrained nonlinear-programming problem: the CCSA algorithm(s), as described by Svanberg (2002). This is a surprisingly simple algorithm (the NLopt implementation is only 300 lines of C code), but is robust and provably convergent, and illustrates a number of important ideas in optimization: optimizing an approximation to update the parameters x, guarding the approximation with trust regions and penalty terms, and optimizing via the dual function (Lagrange multipliers). Like many optimization algorithms, the general ideas are very straightforward, but getting the details right can be delicate!

Outlined the inner/outer iteration structure of CCSA, and the interesting property that it produces a sequence of feasible iterates from a feasible starting point, which means that you can stop it early and still have a feasible solution (which is very useful for many applications where 99% of optimal is fine, but feasibility is essential). It could be thought of as a type of "interior point" algorithm.

The inner optimization problem involving the approximate gᵢ functions turns out to be much easier to solve because it is convex and separable (gᵢ = a sum of 1d convex functions of each coordinate xⱼ). Convexity allows us to use strong duality to turn the problem into an equivalent "dual" optimization problem, and separability makes this dual problem trivial to formulate and solve.

Further reading: Pages 1–10 of Svanberg (2002) paper on CCSA algorithms — I used the "linear and separable quadratic approximation" functions gᵢ in section 5.1; as far as I can tell the other example gᵢ functions have no general advantages. (I presented a simplified form of CCSA compared to the paper, in which the per-variable scaling/trust parameters σⱼ are omitted. These can be quite useful in practice, especially if different variables have very different scalings in your problem.)

Lecture 25 (April 10)

Further reading: Strang textbook, section III.5. There are many tutorials and other information on CS/LASSO/etcetera online. For example, these Rice Univ. tutorial slides (Cevher, 2019) or Princeton Slides (Cheng, 2014) are fairly accessible. For compressed sensing in MRI, see e.g. the slides by Lustig et al. and Tamir (2019) and many other sources. A hybrid of ℓ¹ (CS/LASSO) and ℓ² (ridge/Tikhonov) regularization is to use both, a combination called elastic-net regularization; see e.g. slides from Univ. Iowa (Breheny).

Lecture 26 (April 12)

Further reading: Strang section VII.1 and OCW lecture 26.

Lecture 27 (Apr 14)

Further reading: Strang section VII.3 and OCW lecture 27. You can find many, many articles online about backpropagation in neural networks. For generalizing gradients to scalar-valued functions of matrices and other abstract vector spaces, what we need is an inner product; we covered this in more detail in lecture 4 of Matrix Calculus (IAP 2023). Backpropagation for neural networks is closely related to backpropagation/adjoint methods for recurrence relations (course notes), and on computational graphs (blog post); see also lecture 8 of Matrix Calculus (IAP 2023).

Lecture 28 (Apr 19)

Further reading: See section 2.1 of Moitra's Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning. An interesting application to image analysis can be found in this paper.

Lecture 29 (Apr 21)

Further reading: Strang textbook sections IV.2 (circulant matrices) and VII.2 (CNNs), and OCW lecture 32. See also these Stanford lecture slides and MIT lecture slides.

Lecture 30 (Apr 24)

Further reading: Textbook section IV.1 and VII.2.

Lecture 31 (Apr 24)

Further reading: Textbook sections IV.1–IV.2 and OCW lecture 31 and lecture 32. The Wikipedia FFT article (partially written by SGJ) was still not bad last I checked. Gauss and the history of the fast Fourier transform (1985) is a wonderful article on the historical development of the FFT. Duhamel & Vetterli (1990) is a classic review article. SGJ co-developed a little FFT library called FFTW.

Lecture 32 (Apr 25)

Fourier series vs. DFT: If we view the DFT as a Riemann sum approximation for a Fourier series coefficient (which turns out to be exponentially accurate for smooth periodic f(t)!), then the errors are an instance of aliasing (see e.g. the "wagon-wheel" effect). For band-limited signals where we sample at a rate > twice the bandwidth, there is no aliasing and no information loss, a result known as the Nyquist—Shannon sampling theorem; in the common case where the bandwidth is centered at ω=0, this corresponds to sampling at more than twice the highest frequency.

Further reading: For a periodic function, a Riemann sum is equivalent to a trapezoidal rule (since the 0th and Nth samples are identical), and the exponential convergence to the integral is reviewed by Trefethen and Weideman (2014); SGJ gave a simplified review for IAP (2011). The subject of aliasing, sampling, and signal processing leads to the field of digital signal processing (DSP), on which there are many books and courses. A classic textbook is Discrete-Time Signal Processing by Oppenheim and Schafer, and there are whole courses at MIT (like 6.3000 and 6.7000) on these topics.

Lecture 33 (May 1)

Further reading: See the DSP links from lecture 32.

Lecture 34 (May 3)

Further reading: See the DSP links from lecture 32.

Lecture 35 (May 5)

Lecture 36 (May 6)

Lecture 37 (May 10)

Further reading: Textbook sections VI.6–VI.7 and OCW lecture 35. Using incidence matrices to identify cycles and spanning trees in graphs is also covered in 18.06 and in Strang's Introduction to Linear Algebra book (5th ed. section 10.1 or 6th ed. section 3.5), as well as in this interactive Julia notebook. A popular software package for graph and mesh partitioning is METIS. The Google PageRank algorithm is another nice application of linear algebra to graphs, in this case to rank web pages by "importance". Direct methods (e.g. Gaussian elimination) for sparse-matrix problems turn out to be all about analyzing sparsity patterns via graph theory; see e.g. the book by Timothy Davis.

Lecture 38 (May 15)

If you want to continue with "numerical computing" in any form — whether it be for data analysis, machine learning, scientific/engineering modeling, or other areas — at some point you will need to learn more about computational errors. The mathematical field that studies algorithms + approximations is called numerical analysis, covered by courses such as 18.335 at MIT.

One of the most basic sources of computational error is that computer arithmetic is generally inexact, leading to roundoff errors. The reason for this is simple: computers can only work with numbers having a finite number of digits, so they cannot even store arbitrary real numbers. Only a finite subset of the real numbers can be represented using a particular number of "bits", and the question becomes which subset to store, how arithmetic on this subset is defined, and how to analyze the errors compared to theoretical exact arithmetic on real numbers.

In floating-point arithmetic, we store both an integer coefficient and an exponent in some base: essentially, scientific notation. This allows large dynamic range and fixed relative accuracy: if fl(x) is the closest floating-point number to any real x, then |fl(x)-x| < ε|x| where ε is the machine precision. This makes error analysis much easier and makes algorithms mostly insensitive to overall scaling or units, but has the disadvantage that it requires specialized floating-point hardware to be fast. Nowadays, all general-purpose computers, and even many little computers like your cell phones, have floating-point units.

Went through some simple definitions and examples in Julia (see notebook above), illustrating the basic ideas and a few interesting tidbits. In particular, we looked at error accumulation during long calculations (e.g. summation), as well as examples of catastrophic cancellation and how it can sometimes be avoided by rearranging a calculation.

Further reading: Trefethen & Bau's Numerical Linear Algebra, lecture 13. What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic (David Goldberg, ACM 1991). William Kahan, How Java's floating-point hurts everyone everywhere (2004): contains a nice discussion of floating-point myths and misconceptions. A brief but useful summary can be found in this Julia-focused floating-point overview by Prof. John Gibson. Because many programmers never learn how floating-point arithmetic actually works, there are many common myths about its behavior. (An infamous example is 0.1 + 0.2 giving 0.30000000000000004, which people are puzzled by so frequently it has led to a web site https://0.30000000000000004.com/!)