


<!-- https://thenounproject.com/term/squirrel/57718/ -->


The xhyve hypervisor is a port of bhyve to macOS. It is built on top of Hypervisor.framework in OS X 10.10 Yosemite and higher, runs entirely in userspace, and has no other dependencies. It can run FreeBSD, some Linux distributions, and Windows 10 and may gain support for other guest operating systems in the future.

License: BSD-2-Clause

Introduction: http://www.pagetable.com/?p=831



If you have homebrew, then simply:

$ brew update
$ brew install --HEAD xhyve

The --HEAD in the brew command ensures that you always get the latest changes, even if the homebrew database is not yet updated. If for any reason you don't want that simply do brew install xhyve .

If you have MacPorts, then simply:

$ sudo port selfupdate
$ sudo port install xhyve

MacPorts is up to date with the GitHub ref listed in the port info

$ port info xhyve
xhyve @20170117 (emulators)



$ git clone https://github.com/machyve/xhyve.git
$ cd xhyve
$ xcodebuild

The resulting binary will be in build/Release/xhyve


$ xhyve -h

See below for steps to boot various OSs

What is bhyve?

bhyve is the FreeBSD hypervisor, roughly analogous to KVM + QEMU on Linux. It has a focus on simplicity.

It exposes the following peripherals to virtual machines:

bhyve architecture

           I/O        VM control       FreeBSD        NetBSD
         |     A        |     A           |              |
         V     |        V     |           V              V
     |             ||             ||             ||             |
     |    bhyve    ||  bhyvectl   ||  bhyveload  || grub2-bhyve |
     |             ||             ||             ||             |
     |             ||             ||             ||             |
     |                        libvmmapi                         |
                                   |                         user
                                   | ioctl         FreeBSD kernel
                     |        VMX/SVM host        |
                     |       VMX/SVM guest        |
                     |   VMX/SVM nested paging    |
                     |           Timers           |
                     |         Interrupts         |


The bhyve FreeBSD kernel module. Manages VM and vCPU objects, the guest physical address space and handles guest interaction with PIC, PIT, HPET, PM Timer, x(2)APIC and I/O-APIC. Contains a minimal x86 emulator to decode guest MMIO. Executes the two innermost vCPU runloops (VMX/SVM and interrupts/timers/paging). Has backends for Intel VMX and AMD SVM. Provides an ioctl and mmap API to userspace.


Thin abstraction layer between the vmm.ko ioctl interface and the userspace C API.


The userspace bhyve component (kind of a very light-weight QEMU) that executes virtual machines. Runs the guest I/O vCPU runloops. Manages ACPI, PCI and all non in-kernel devices. Interacts with vmm.ko through libvmmapi.


Somewhat superfluous utility to introspect and manage the life cycle of virtual machines. Virtual machines and vCPUs can exist as kernel objects independently of a bhyve host process. Typically used to delete VM objects after use. Odd architectural choice.


Userspace port of the FreeBSD bootloader. This is a cumbersome workaround to bootstrap a FreeBSD guest operating system without using firmware. It creates a VM object, loads the FreeBSD kernel into guest memory, sets up the initial vCPU state and then exits. Only then a VM can be executed by bhyve.


Performs the same function as bhyveload but is a userspace port of GRUB2. It is used to bootstrap guest operating systems other than FreeBSD, i.e. Linux, OpenBSD and NetBSD.

xhyve architecture

    | xhyve                                                    |
    |                                                          |
    |                            I/O                           |
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |
    |                                                          |
    ||  vmm                   VMX guest                       ||
    ||                          Timers                        ||
    ||                        Interrupts                      ||
    |                   Hypervisor.framework                   |
                                  |                         user
                                  |syscall            xnu kernel
                               VMX host
                           VMX nested paging

xhyve shares most of the code with bhyve but is architecturally very different. Hypervisor.framework provides an interface to the VMX VMCS guest state and a safe subset of the VMCS control fields, thus making userspace hypervisors without any additional kernel extensions possible. The VMX host state and all aspects of nested paging are handled by the macOS kernel, you can manage the guest physical address space simply through mapping of regions of your own address space.

xhyve is equivalent to the bhyve process but gains a subset of a userspace port of the vmm kernel module. SVM, PCI passthrough and the VMX host and EPT aspects are dropped. The vmm component provides a libvmmapi compatible interface to xhyve. Hypervisor.framework seems to enforce a strict 1:1 relationship between a host process/VM and host thread/vCPU, that means VMs and vCPUs can only be interacted with by the processes and threads that created them. Therefore, unlike bhyve, xhyve needs to adhere to a single process model. Multiple virtual machines can be created by launching multiple instances of xhyve. xhyve retains most of the bhyve command line interface.

bhyvectl, bhyveload and grub2-bhyve are incompatible with a single process model and are dropped. xhyve supports the Linux kexec protocol, a very simple and straightforward way to bootstrap a Linux kernel. It takes a bzImage and optionally initrd image and kernel parameter string as input.

xhyve can now boot an OS via EFI. The BSD-licensed TianoCore EFI built for bhyve can be used to boot Windows and other OSs.


If you want the same IP address across VM reboots, assign a UUID to a particular VM:

$ xhyve [-U uuid]


If you need more advanced networking and already have a configured TAP device you can use it with:


instead of:


Where X is your tap device, i.e. /dev/tapX.

Booting TinyCoreLinux

Everything needed to boot TinyCoreLinux is included with xhyve.


Booting FreeBSD (via userboot)



Known Issues:

Booting Windows (via EFI)

Now that xhyve has support for a framebuffer, EFI and the e1000 NIC, xhyve can now run Windows in a VM.



Known Issues:


Virtual Box

If you are, or were, running any version of VirtualBox, prior to 4.3.30 or 5.0, and attempt to run xhyve, your system will immediately crash as a kernel panic is triggered. This is due to a VirtualBox bug (that got fixed in newest VirtualBox versions) as VirtualBox wasn't playing nice with OSX's Hypervisor.framework used by xhyve.

To get around this you either have to update to newest VirtualBox 4.3 or 5.0 or, if you for some reason are unable to update, to reboot your Mac after using VirtualBox and before attempting to use xhyve. (see issues #5 and #9 for the full context)

Code signing/Entitlements

macOS limits access to the networking API (vmnet) to builds that are code signed and have the appropriate entitlement. The code signing/entitlement requirement can be bypassed by running xhyve as root (via sudo). A code signed build cannot run FreeBSD via the userboot.so bootloader as that requires loading and executing code that is outside the code signature (even as root). Building xhyve via xcodebuild signs the build. Building xhyve via make does not.