


a stable & effective deobfuscator for MindLated , i don't even know how i've pulled it off

It can also support slight mods of <a href="https://github.com/Sato-Isolated/MindLated/">MindLated</a> (see Presets)


Supported Protections

Note: All Supported Protections work perfectly alone

Protection NameIs supportedStability Status
Jump Control FlowYesPerfect
Jump Control Flow WatermarkYesPerfect
Online String EncryptionYesPerfect
Proxy ConstantsYesPerfect
Proxy StringsYesPerfect
String EncryptionYesPerfect
Int ConfusionYesNear Perfect, can crash when bundled with Arithmatic
Local2Field v1YesNear Perfect, can crash when bundled with Int Confusion
Local2Field v2YesNear Perfect, can crash when bundled with Int Confusion
ArithmaticYesPoor, can easily crash
Control FlowNoUse <a href="https://github.com/miso-xyz/CCFlow">CCFlow</a> (requires some manual work afterwards)
RenamerNoOriginal names cannot be recovered
Proxy MethodsNoDoesn't seem to be finished
Resource ProtectionsNoTheres no code other than a checkbox


<img src="https://i.imgur.com/WhSjEiY.png"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/HuqTWVT.png">

<a name="presets"></a>


Presets allows you to customise what LostMyMisoSoup is searching for.</br> This can be used to make LostMyMisoSoup support slight modifications of <a href="https://github.com/Sato-Isolated/MindLated/">MindLated</a>.

<details> <summary>Default Preset</summary> <hr> <pre>// this file can be edited if the target application uses a modified version of MindLated

[AntiTamper] AntiTamper_Throw = System,BadImageFormatException [AntiDump] AntiDump_Marshal = System.Runtime.InteropServices,Marshal,GetHINSTANCE [AntiDebug] AntiDebug_OSPlatform = System,OperatingSystem,get_Platform AntiDebug_EnvExit = System,Environment,Exit AntiDebug_EnvVar = System,Environment,GetEnvironmentVariable AntiDebug_EnvOSVer = System,Environment,get_OSVersion AntiDebug_DebugHooked = System.Diagnostics,Debugger,get_IsAttached AntiDebug_DebugLog = System.Diagnostics,Debugger,IsLogging [JumpCFlow] JCF_Watermark = MindLated.jpg [IntConfusion & Arithmatic] IntConf_Default = 1.5707963267949 Math_Class = System,Math Math_Truncate = System,Math,Truncate Math_Abs = System,Math,Abs Math_Cos = System,Math,Cos Math_Sin = System,Math,Sin Math_Log = System,Math,Log Math_Log10 = System,Math,Log10 Math_Floor = System,Math,Floor Math_Round = System,Math,Round Math_Tan = System,Math,Tan Math_Tanh = System,Math,Tanh Math_Sqrt = System,Math,Sqrt Math_Ceiling = System,Math,Ceiling [Proxy] Proxy_CommonName = ProxyMeth [Strings] EncString_ResourceName = MindLated.zero EncString_PasswordHash = p7K95451qB88sZ7J EncString_KeyAlgorithm = System.Security.Cryptography,Rfc2898DeriveBytes EncString_AESAlgorithm = System.Security.Cryptography,RijndaelManaged EncString_SymmetricAlg = System.Security.Cryptography,SymmetricAlgorithm // Start of Base64 (you will have to replace the padding by '#') EncString_Salt = MkdNMjNqMzAxdDYwWjk2VA## EncString_VI = SXpUZGhHNlM4dXdnMTQxUw## // End of Base64</pre>

<hr> </details>

General Configuration File (config.txt)

The config file allows you to:

<details> <summary>Default Configuration</summary> <pre>// Unsupported Protections: // ProxyMethods - MindLated's ProxyMethod isn't finished. // CFlow - Use "https://github.com/miso-xyz/CCFlow/" to fix it, manual work will however be required after. // Renamer - Can be detected, cannot be recovered. // ResourceEncryption - MindLated has no code for it, it only has a checkbox which doesn't do anything.

[General] ForceDefault = 0 PresetFile = preset_file.txt PresetDevMode = 0 ExportRNGSeeds = 0 [Antis] AntiTamper = 1 AntiDump = 1 AntiDebug = 1 AntiDe4Dot = 1 [CFlow] Watermark = 1 JumpCFlow = 1 [Proxy] ProxyConstants = 1 ProxyStrings = 1 [Math] IntConfusion = 1 Arithmectic = 1 [Encryption] StringsEncryption = 1 OnlineStringDecryption = 1 ResourceEncryption = 1 [Misc] StackUnfConfusion = 1 Calli = 1 InvalidMD = 1 Local2Field = 1 [Cleanup] InvalidCalls = 1 UselessJumps = 1 UselessNOPs = 1 UnusedLocals = 1 UnusedVariables = 1</pre> </details>