Simple REST service for Apache Aurora
Note: work in progress
RESTful server exposing API to interact with the Apache Aurora scheduler.
You may also want to look at this Review Request #23741 which enables REST calls to the service points of the Aurora scheduler that were available only through the Thrift protocol.
Aurora includes a powerful command-line tool that is used to send all sorts of query and management commands to the scheduler. Users can start, stop and monitor jobs that are controlled by the Aurora Scheduler.
However this command-line tool requires users to build and install the Aurora client libraries and binaries on their machine, or to login to server that has everything already set up.
The REST service provides remote access to the Aurora Scheduler without prerequisites. Any REST client, or the curl command, can be used to call the REST API.
This is a brief description, for more detailed presentation look at the design document.
This REST service is "simple" because it is just a wrapper around the functionality provided by the Aurora client library (the same one that is used by the Aurora client tool):
- REST API interface implemented with Tornado framework
- Simple Python code to map the JSON documents to calls to the Aurora client code
Build Instructions
Ideally this repo would be a standalone source tree that can be downloaded, built and installed. That is not possible because the Aurora client libraries are not packaged and published to a public repository. For that reason the build requires the presense of the Apache Aurora source code.
The workaround that is applied here is to downlad the that code, then stick in the code of this server inside at some location, and then build it as if it was part of the Apache Aurora source code tree.
It is a sort of hack, but it is an experiment and project to learn. Git submodules may be useful here to implement the same "hack", it is in the TODO list.
Follow the steps below to build the RESTful server.
Step 1: Apache Aurora source code
Use git-clone or curl to bring in the Apache Aurora source code.
$ git clone
$ cd incubator-aurora
$ ./pants
Bootstrapping pants @ 0.0.24
+ which python2.7
Cleaning up...
Pants 0.0.24
./pants goal [option ...] [goal ...] [target...] Attempt the specified goals.
./pants goal help Get help.
./pants goal help [goal] Get help for the specified goal.
./pants goal goals List all installed goals.
Make sure the pants build tool managed to bootstrap itself and finished with success.
Step 2: Simple RESTful server source code
Do the same for this repository.
$ pushd src/main/python/apache/aurora/
$ git clone
$ mv mesos-aurora-restful rest
$ popd
Step 3: Execute the build
Execute the following command which will produce executable file dist/aurora_rest.pex
$ ./pants build src/main/python/apache/aurora/rest/bin:
Build operating on top level addresses: ...
Wrote dist/aurora_rest.pex
$ dist/aurora_rest.pex --help
Usage: dist/aurora_rest.pex [OPTIONS]
Start the REST server
The command below will start the Aurora REST service. The paramters that are passed to the executable will have the following effect:
- The server will listen for requests on port 8888
- All requests will be executed by direct calls to the Aurora client code
- Every request will be handled by separate thread running in the same process
- At most 4 threads will be spawned to process API calls
$ dist/aurora_rest.pex --port=8888 --executor=internal --application=thread --parallel=4
These parameters and their effects are explained in the design document.
- GET /alpha/jobs/{cluster}/{role}: List all jobs
- PUT /alpha/job/{cluster}/{role}/{environment}/{jobname}: Create job
- PUT /alpha/job/{cluster}/{role}/{environment}/{jobname}/update?shards={X}: Update job
- DELETE /alpha/job/{cluster}/{role}/{environment}/{jobname}/update: Cancel update
- PUT /alpha/job/{cluster}/{role}/{environment}/{jobname}/restart?shards={X}: Restart job
- DELETE /alpha/job/{cluster}/{role}/{environment}/{jobname}?shards={X}: Kill Aurora job
- GET /alpha/version: Query service version
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 3,
"jobs": {
"1": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"2": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/kraken_app",
"3": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world"
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev",
"status": "success"
$ curl -s -X PUT --data-binary @rhel59_world2.aurora \
"http://localhost:8888/alpha/jobs/paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2" | \
python -m json.tool
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 1,
"job": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"status": "success"
$ curl -s -X PUT --data-binary @rhel59_world2.aurora \
"http://localhost:8888/alpha/jobs/paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2?shards=1" | \
python -m json.tool
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 1,
"job": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"status": "success"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 1,
"job": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"status": "success"
HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 1,
"job": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"status": "success"
$ curl -s -X \
DELETE "http://localhost:8888/alpha/jobs/paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2?shards=2" | \
python -m json.tool
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"count": 1,
"job": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"key": "paas-aurora/mkrastev/devel/rhel59_world2",
"status": "success"
#### `GET` /alpha/version
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Server: TornadoServer/3.2.1
"status": "success",
"version": "0.1"