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A modular Hi-C mapping pipeline for reproducible data analysis.

The distiller pipeline aims to provide the following functionality:



To setup a new project, execute the following line in the project folder:

$ nextflow clone open2c/distiller-nf ./

This will download the distiller pipeline and the configuration files.


Launch distiller depending on your usage scenario:

  1. default hardware settings ./configs/local.config with your project.yml:
$ nextflow run distiller.nf -params-file project.yml
  1. cluster hardware profile ./configs/cluster.config with your project.yml:
$ nextflow run distiller.nf -params-file project.yml -profile cluster
  1. custom hardware profile with your own configuration file and your project.yml:
$ nextflow run distiller.nf -params-file project.yml -profile custom --custom_config /full/path/to/your.config

Test example

In a new project folder, execute:

$ nextflow clone mirnylab/distiller-nf  ./
$ bash ./test/setup_test.sh
$ nextflow distiller.nf -params-file ./test/test_project.yml 

Nextflow and DSL version note

Distiller was originally designed for DSL1 syntax of nextflow. Nextflow stopped supporting DSL1 with 23.X.X update.

We recommend fixing the nextflow version:

conda install -c bioconda "nextflow==22.10"

Distiller has been recently re-implemented in DSL2: https://github.com/open2c/distiller-nf/tree/distiller_dsl2.

DSL2 version is still the beta version under testing.