

MoJ ClamAV Docker Container (Alpine)

Provide a ClamAV daemon running in a docker container, listening for connections on port 3310

This is a component of the mojfile-uploader project.


docker build -t clamav .

docker run -d -p 3310:3310 --name clamd clamav

Push to MoJ repository

Adjust version number, as appropriate

docker tag clamav registry.service.dsd.io/ministryofjustice/clamav:0.3.0

docker push registry.service.dsd.io/ministryofjustice/clamav:0.3.0


This container will always fetch the latest database in the foreground as the first thing it does when it run. It will not start if this fails.

After it is running, freshclam continues to run as a daemon, and will check for updates every two hours.


This is used to ensure that a database update does not stop the av service from responding. Clamd blocks for around 20 seconds when it reloads an updated database. While it is reloading, the clamav-rest client errors. At the time of this comment this is happening frequently enough that we have seen it occur with real users on the production service.