PredictionIO Swift SDK
The Swift SDK provides a convenient API for your iOS and macOS application to record your users' behaviors in the PredictionIO event server and retrieve predictions from PredictionIO engines.
- iOS 10+ or macOS 10.10+
- Xcode 11+
- Swift 5+
- PredictionIO 0.12.0+
Install CocoaPods, the dependency manager for Cocoa project.
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate PredictionIO, add the following lines to your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '10.0'
target '<Your target name>' do
pod 'PredictionIO', '~> 3.0'
Then run the following command.
$ pod install
Finally, import the SDK in your Swift files before using.
import PredictionIO
Use EngineClient
to query predictions from the PredictionIO Engines.
// Response format of a Recommendation engine.
struct RecommendationResponse: Decodable {
struct ItemScore: Decodable {
let item: String
let score: Double
let itemScores: [ItemScore]
let engineClient = EngineClient(baseURL: "http://localhost:8000")
let query = [
"user": "1",
"num": 2
engineClient.sendQuery(query, responseType: RecommendationResponse.self) { result in
guard let response = result.value else { return }
Use EventClient
to send information to the PredictionIO Event Server.
let eventClient = EventClient(accessKey: "Access key of the app", baseURL: "http://localhost:7070")
let event = Event(
event: "rate",
entityType: "user",
entityID: "1",
targetEntity: (type: "item", id: "9"),
properties: [
"rating": 5
eventClient.createEvent(event) { result in
guard let response = result.value else { return }
There are other convenience methods to manage User and Item entity types. Please see the API documentation for more details.
The documentation is generated by jazzy. To build the documentation, run
$ jazzy
The latest API documentation is available at
iOS Demo App
Please follow this quick guide to start the Event Server and set up a Recommendation Engine on your local machine first.
You also need to:
- Include your app's access key in
. - Import some data using the python script as instructed in step 4. Alternatively, you can use the demo app to record new rating events; however, remember to re-train and deploy the engine before querying for recommendations.
- Run the simulator!
There are 2 screens in the demo app:
- Rating: corresponding to step 4. Collecting Data in the quick guide.
- Recommendation: corresponding to step 6. Use the Engine in the quick guide.
Tapster iOS Demo
Also check out Tapster iOS, a recommender for comics, to see a more extensive intergration of the SDK.
PredictionIO Swift SDK is released under the Apache License 2.0. Please see LICENSE for details.