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What Is MindSpore

MindSpore is a new open source deep learning training/inference framework that could be used for mobile, edge and cloud scenarios. MindSpore is designed to provide development experience with friendly design and efficient execution for the data scientists and algorithmic engineers, native support for Ascend AI processor, and software hardware co-optimization. At the meantime MindSpore as a global AI open source community, aims to further advance the development and enrichment of the AI software/hardware application ecosystem.

<img src="https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/raw/master/docs/MindSpore-architecture.png" alt="MindSpore Architecture"/>

For more details please check out our Architecture Guide.

Automatic Differentiation

Currently, there are two automatic differentiation techniques in mainstream deep learning frameworks:

PyTorch used OO. Compared to ST, OO generates gradient graph in runtime, so it does not need to take function call and control flow into consideration, which makes it easier to develop. However, OO can not perform gradient graph optimization in compilation time and the control flow has to be unfolded in runtime, so it is difficult to achieve extreme optimization in performance.

MindSpore implemented automatic differentiation based on ST. On the one hand, it supports automatic differentiation of automatic control flow, so it is quite convenient to build models like PyTorch. On the other hand, MindSpore can perform static compilation optimization on neural networks to achieve great performance.

<img src="https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/raw/master/docs/Automatic-differentiation.png" alt="Automatic Differentiation" width="600"/>

The implementation of MindSpore automatic differentiation can be understood as the symbolic differentiation of the program itself. Because MindSpore IR is a functional intermediate expression, it has an intuitive correspondence with the composite function in basic algebra. The derivation formula of the composite function composed of arbitrary basic functions can be derived. Each primitive operation in MindSpore IR can correspond to the basic functions in basic algebra, which can build more complex flow control.

Automatic Parallel

The goal of MindSpore automatic parallel is to build a training method that combines data parallelism, model parallelism, and hybrid parallelism. It can automatically select a least cost model splitting strategy to achieve automatic distributed parallel training.

<img src="https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/raw/master/docs/Automatic-parallel.png" alt="Automatic Parallel" width="600"/>

At present, MindSpore uses a fine-grained parallel strategy of splitting operators, that is, each operator in the figure is split into a cluster to complete parallel operations. The splitting strategy during this period may be very complicated, but as a developer advocating Pythonic, you don't need to care about the underlying implementation, as long as the top-level API compute is efficient.


Pip mode method installation

MindSpore offers build options across multiple backends:

Hardware PlatformOperating SystemStatus
GPU CUDA 10.1Ubuntu-x86✔️

For installation using pip, take CPU and Ubuntu-x86 build version as an example:

  1. Download whl from MindSpore download page, and install the package.

    pip install https://ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/1.2.0-rc1/MindSpore/cpu/ubuntu_x86/mindspore-1.2.0rc1-cp37-cp37m-linux_x86_64.whl
  2. Run the following command to verify the install.

    import numpy as np
    import mindspore.context as context
    import mindspore.nn as nn
    from mindspore import Tensor
    from mindspore.ops import operations as P
    context.set_context(mode=context.GRAPH_MODE, device_target="CPU")
    class Mul(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Mul, self).__init__()
            self.mul = P.Mul()
        def construct(self, x, y):
            return self.mul(x, y)
    x = Tensor(np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0]).astype(np.float32))
    y = Tensor(np.array([4.0, 5.0, 6.0]).astype(np.float32))
    mul = Mul()
    print(mul(x, y))
    [ 4. 10. 18.]

Use pip mode method to install MindSpore in different environments. Refer to the following documents.

Source code compilation installation

Use the source code compilation method to install MindSpore in different environments. Refer to the following documents.

Docker Image

MindSpore docker image is hosted on Docker Hub, currently the containerized build options are supported as follows:

Hardware PlatformDocker Image RepositoryTagDescription
CPUmindspore/mindspore-cpux.y.zProduction environment with pre-installed MindSpore x.y.z CPU release.
develDevelopment environment provided to build MindSpore (with CPU backend) from the source, refer to https://www.mindspore.cn/install/en for installation details.
runtimeRuntime environment provided to install MindSpore binary package with CPU backend.
GPUmindspore/mindspore-gpux.y.zProduction environment with pre-installed MindSpore x.y.z GPU release.
develDevelopment environment provided to build MindSpore (with GPU CUDA10.1 backend) from the source, refer to https://www.mindspore.cn/install/en for installation details.
runtimeRuntime environment provided to install MindSpore binary package with GPU CUDA10.1 backend.

NOTICE: For GPU devel docker image, it's NOT suggested to directly install the whl package after building from the source, instead we strongly RECOMMEND you transfer and install the whl package inside GPU runtime docker image.

If you want to learn more about the building process of MindSpore docker images, please check out docker repo for the details.


See the Quick Start to implement the image classification.


More details about installation guide, tutorials and APIs, please see the User Documentation.



Check out how MindSpore Open Governance works.



Welcome contributions. See our Contributor Wiki for more details.

Maintenance phases

Project stable branches will be in one of the following states:

StateTime frameSummary
Planning1 - 3 monthsFeatures are under planning.
Development3 monthsFeatures are under development.
Maintained6 - 12 monthsAll bugfixes are appropriate. Releases produced.
Unmaintained0 - 3 monthsAll bugfixes are appropriate. No Maintainers and No Releases produced.
End Of Life (EOL)N/ABranch no longer accepting changes.

Maintenance status

BranchStatusInitial Release DateNext PhaseEOL Date
r2.2Maintained2023-10-18Unmaintained <br> 2024-10-18 estimated
r2.1Maintained2023-07-29Unmaintained <br> 2024-07-29 estimated
r2.0Maintained2023-06-15Unmaintained <br> 2024-06-15 estimated
r1.10End Of Life2023-02-022024-02-02
r1.9End Of Life2022-10-262023-10-26
r1.8End Of Life2022-07-292023-07-29
r1.7End Of Life2022-04-292023-04-29
r1.6End Of Life2022-01-292023-01-29
r1.5End Of Life2021-10-152022-10-15
r1.4End Of Life2021-08-152022-08-15
r1.3End Of Life2021-07-152022-07-15
r1.2End Of Life2021-04-152022-04-29
r1.1End Of Life2020-12-312021-09-30
r1.0End Of Life2020-09-242021-07-30
r0.7End Of Life2020-08-312021-02-28
r0.6End Of Life2020-07-312020-12-30
r0.5End Of Life2020-06-302021-06-30
r0.3End Of Life2020-05-312020-09-30
r0.2End Of Life2020-04-302020-08-31
r0.1End Of Life2020-03-282020-06-30

Release Notes

The release notes, see our RELEASE.


Apache License 2.0