

(C bindings for) D3D12 Memory Allocator

Bindings are for Version 2.1.0-development (2024-07-05)!

This repository aims to provide C bindings for D3D12 Memory Allocator. At the moment, the bindings are completely handcrafted, but I am considering generating them from the source.

Due to the nature of these bindings, it is possible to use them instead of the original library.

Repository tour


The bindings mimic how Microsoft exposes C bindings for their C++ interfaces. Mimic because in fact, D3D12 Memory Allocator itself does not implement a D3D12-Memory-Allocator-or-such interface, sort of. It does implement IUnknown interface, but then, it simply defines datatypes that inherit from IUnknownImpl (Aforementioned IUnknown implementation), but derived datatypes are not interfaces that are then internally implemented. Therefore, in these bindings, there is no concept of virtual table and such, because D3D12MA::Allocator itself and related datatypes have little to do with this concept.

Procedures are done in COBJMACROS-style, allowing you to write, for example:

D3D12MAAllocator_GetBudget(pSelf, pLocalBudget, pNonLocalBudget)

Which should look familiar to those of you acquainted with Microsoft-provided codebases.

The style or appearance of the API is similar to what is commonly known from C APIs for many Windows libraries. Naturally, most functions and data types are not prefixed with I, as they are not interfaces. Nevertheless, it should remain consistent. Below are examples of typical mappings:

Top-level directories

After setting up the codebase and building, the following directories will also exist:

Example usage

D3D12MA_ALLOCATION_DESC allocation_desc = {0};
 allocation_desc.HeapType = D3D12_HEAP_TYPE_DEFAULT;
D3D12_RESOURCE_DESC resource_desc = {0};
 resource_desc.Dimension          = D3D12_RESOURCE_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;
 resource_desc.Alignment          = 0;
 resource_desc.Width              = 1024;
 resource_desc.Height             = 1024;
 resource_desc.DepthOrArraySize   = 1;
 resource_desc.MipLevels          = 1;
 resource_desc.Format             = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;
 resource_desc.SampleDesc.Count   = 1;
 resource_desc.SampleDesc.Quality = 0;
 resource_desc.Layout             = D3D12_TEXTURE_LAYOUT_UNKNOWN;
 resource_desc.Flags              = D3D12_RESOURCE_FLAG_NONE;
D3D12MAAllocation *allocation = 0;
D3D12Resource *resource = 0;
HRESULT error = D3D12MAAllocator_CreateResource(allocator,
                                                &resource); // NOTE(mwalky): or `(void **)(&resource)`

C integration


To use this library in any C codebase, create a file d3d12ma_main.cpp, which should look like this:

// NOTE(mwalky): `d3d12ma_main.cpp`

#include "d3d12ma.h"

#include "d3d12ma.cpp"

The library is written as a direct source-include. Since D3D12 Memory Allocator is originally a C++ library, the compilation unit must compile the code in C++ mode. The resulting OBJ file must then be linked against your executable. For single compilation unit builds, including d3d12ma.h once is sufficient. In the case of multiple compilation unit builds, d3d12ma.h must be included wherever necessary. Of course, the compiled OBJ with the implementation must be linked wherever required. For single compilation unit builds, linking against the main executable is sufficient. Assuming single compilation unit build, make main.c file.

// NOTE(mwalky): perhaps `main.c`

#pragma comment(lib, "user32")
#pragma comment(lib, "dxgi")
#pragma comment(lib, "d3d12")

#include "windows.h"
#include "initguid.h" // NOTE(mwalky): for GUIDs

#include "dxgi1_6.h"
#include "d3d12.h"

#include "d3d12ma/d3d12ma.h"

 return 0;

And finally, build.bat (Assuming that main.c, d3d12ma.h, d3d12ma.cpp and d3d12_main.cpp are in the same directory as build.bat).

call cl /Od /I..\ /nologo /FC /Z7 main.c d3d12ma_main.cpp /link /MANIFEST:EMBED /INCREMENTAL:NO /out:main.exe

Calling cl requires Command Prompt (cmd) equipped with MSVC. This can be achieved by calling vcvarsall.bat amd64 bundled either with Visual Studio Build Tools or Visual Studio itself. Provided either Visual Studio Build Tools or Visual Studio is installed, you might simply want to run x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS <year>, which spawns cmd with vcvarsall.bat amd64 called automatically at its start-up.

Obviously, a build system is a matter of choice. You may use whichever you prefer, but keep in mind the considerations above regarding single and multiple compilation unit situations.

Further notes

Originally, D3D12 Memory Allocator can be configured by defining appropriate options, e.g. D3D12MA_SORT, before including the implementation. Since d3d12ma.cpp contains the entire original implementation of D3D12 Memory Allocator in itself, as its files have been inlined, configuring D3D12 Memory Allocator is as simple as this (returning to the d3d12ma_main.cpp file):

// NOTE(mwalky): `d3d12ma_main.cpp`

#define D3D12MA_SORT(beg, end, cmp) your_desired_sort_func(beg, end, cmp)
#include "d3d12ma.h"

#include "d3d12ma.cpp"

Remember that extra care has to be taken if you intend to use these build options in a multiple unit build.

Finally, it is possible to use this library with Agility SDK (again, back to d3d12ma_main.cpp file):

// NOTE(mwalky): `d3d12ma_main.cpp`

#include "dxgi1_6.h"
#include "path/to/d3d12.h"

extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) extern UINT D3D12SDKVersion = <version_of_d3d12>;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) extern PSZ D3D12SDKPath = u8".\\path\\to\\d3d12\\binaries";

#include "d3d12ma.h"

#include "d3d12ma.cpp"

Refer to Getting Started with the Agility SDK for more details w.r.t. Agility SDK.

Examples can be found in code/samples (samples_*_main.c and samples_*_d3d12_main.cpp files).

C++ integration

You might actaully want to read 'C integration' section, as is supplies some important information w.r.t. usage. For C++ codebases, the process is simpler. As mentioned, the library is set up as a direct source-include library. For a single unit build, you can include d3d12ma.h and d3d12ma.cpp. For a multiple unit build, you can include d3d12ma.h where necessary and add d3d12ma.cpp as a separate compilation unit. Remember, extra care!

Examples can be found in code/samples (samples_*_main.cpp, not samples_*_d3d12_main.cpp files!).


These are bindings for D3D12 Memory Allocator developed by Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. I do not own D3D12 Memory Allocator in any way. Its documentation mentions that D3D12 Memory Allocator is a C++ library and so it should remain, but bindings or ports to any other programming languages are welcome as external projects. Hence this effort.

This README.md file does not provide any documentation for D3D12 Memory Allocator itself. Refer to the documentation. However, it does explain how the bindings relate to the original project.

The codebase introduces some concepts found in MIT licensed The RAD Debugger Project, such as context cracking.