

Cycle Utility Libraries

Travis branch


I've used CycleJS for a while now. Although CycleJS has some very good ideas and practices, I've noticed that the current architectural decisions and solutions of Cycle apps can't respond to the complex requirements that I face every day in my work. I've also followed Cycle's Gitter channel quite intensively and noticed that I'm not the only one having these issues. That's why I'm releasing this collection of Cycle utility libraries: their goal is to provide some well-thought and battle-proven architectural choices I've succesfully used when building web applications (in personal and commercial projects).

The most important design goals of these utility libraries are:

I hope by releasing these utility libraries, also other people can enjoy the results of my findings and hopefully give some new ideas that can added to these utilities.

Available packages

The following utilities are available as npm packages:

dom [WIP]npmUtilities for DOM manipulation
storenpmUtilities for state management and storage

Dev quickstart

git clone git@github.com:milankinen/culli.git
cd culli && npm i
npm t

Creating new package

npm run newpkg

Updating dependencies

npm run upd

Commiting changes

npm run ci

ATTENTION: Please use this command instead of git commit
