



This is the alpha version of WebDNN version 2. The main difference between WebDNN 1.x and WebDNN 2.x is that WebDNN 2.x only accepts ONNX models as input, allowing ONNX models to be loaded directly into a web browser without Python preprocessing. In addition, offline model optimization is also possible.

Version 1.x

Supported backends (acceleration technologies)

WebGL is available in most modern browsers.

Environment setting

The environment which runs node.js 14, python 3.6+ and emscripten 2.0+.

python setup.py develop


yarn build:all

Build outputs:

Basic usage

Load dist/webdnn.js with the <script> tag to globally add a WebDNN object. Assuming that the ONNX model model_directory/model.onnx exists, and run the model with a input tensor of the shape [1, 2].

const runner = await WebDNN.load("model_directory/");
const inputDataArray = new Float32Array([5.1, -2.3]);
const inputTensor = new WebDNN.CPUTensor([1, 2], "float32", inputDataArray);
const [outputTensor] = await runner.run([inputTensor]);

console.log(outputTensor.data);  // Float32Array

See example/minimum for the complete minimal code that works.


Generate ONNX models and input/output tensors to be tested

python test/model_test/make_models.py

Run on web browser

yarn server

Open http://localhost:8080/test/model_test/runner/standard.html with web browser, check the backend you want to test, and click the Test button to run the test.


python test/model_test/make_models.py --optimize


when testing, including model optimization. However, the execution time of make_models.py takes a long time.