

MQTT protocol with Adafruit IO using MicroPython and CircuitPython

MicroPython and CircuitPython examples showing how to use the MQTT protocol with the Adafruit IO cloud service. The example code shows how a Heap statistic (free heap size in bytes) can be used with MQTT at Adafruit IO. This heap statistic provides a convenient means to show the MQTT capabilities. The implementation can be changed to use MQTT Publish/Subscribe with sensor data or any other data.

Three example code files:

  1. Publish the free heap statistics to Adafruit IO
  2. Subscribe to the free heap statistics from Adafruit IO
  3. Publish and Subscribe in the same program


Hardware Support

Adafruit IO configuration

  1. Create an Adafruit IO account at Adafruit IO and sign in
  2. Gather the following Adafruit IO information
    • AIO Key (select "View AIO Key" in Adafruit IO)
    • Adafruit UserName (shown on the same page as the AIO Key)

Publishing data to Adafruit IO feeds


  1. Install the UMQTT Package (if needed) See section below Installing UMQTT Package
  2. Configure parameters in file publishAdafruit.py"
  3. Copy the file publishAdafruit.py to your device, using ampy, rshell, webrepl
$ ampy -pCOMx -d1 put publishAdafruit.py main.py
  1. Reset the board
  2. Navigate to Adafruit IO to see if a new feed has been created called "freeHeap"
  3. In the example code freeHeap data is published every 10s
  4. Make a dashboard to better visualize the free space on the heap

free heap plot

Subscribing to Adafruit IO feeds


  1. Install the UMQTT Package (if needed) See section below Installing UMQTT Package
  2. Configure parameters in file subscribeAdafruit.py"
  3. Copy the file subscribeAdafruit.py to your device, using ampy, rshell, webrepl
$ ampy -pCOMx -d1 put subscribeAdafruit.py main.py
  1. Configure a 2nd device to publish the freeHeap data (see above)
  2. Reset the board
  3. Connect to the REPL with Putty (or simlar) to observe subscribed feed data being received (every 10s in the example code)

Publishing and Subscribing on the same device

The file pubAndSub.py shows how a single device can both publish and subscribe. The method of Subscribing changes in this example. The non-blocking call client.check_msg() is used rather than the blocking call client.wait_msg(). The debug print output shows the subscription receiving the published data.

publish and subscribe


Tested with these MicroPython Releases

Tested with these CircuitPython Releases

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Installing UMQTT Package

The example code requires the MicroPython MQTT (UMQTT) Package. Some firmware releases have this package built-in, others don't.

Firmware Releaseumqtt built-in?GitHub Library
MicroPython 1.9.3 for ESP8266Yesn/a
MicroPython 1.9.4 for ESP8266Yesn/a
MicroPython 1.10 for ESP8266Yesn/a
MicroPython 1.9.4 for ESP32NoMicropython lib
MicroPython 1.10 for ESP32Yesn/a
CircuitPython 2.3.1 for ESP8266NoCircuitPython lib
CircuitPython 3.0.0 for ESP8266NoCircuitPython lib
How to install the UMQTT package (if "No" is indicated in the table above)
  1. Navigate to the GitHub library indicated in the table
  2. Select the "Clone or download" button
  3. Select "Download ZIP"
  4. Extract the ZIP. Should see folder called "micropython-lib-master"
  5. Two files need to be copied to the MicroPython filesystem
    • micropython-lib-master\umqtt.robust\umqtt\simple.py
    • micropython-lib-master\umqtt.robust\umqtt\robust.py

Copy these two files to the MicroPython filesystem with the directory structure shown below.


Example with Ampy:

>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 mkdir lib
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 mkdir lib/umqtt
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 put simple.py lib/umqtt/simple.py
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 put robust.py lib/umqtt/robust.py
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls lib
>ampy -pCOM27 -d1 ls lib/umqtt
Validating the UMQTT package install

From the REPL (using Putty, etc) execute the following commands and observe similar output

>>> from umqtt.robust import MQTTClient

>>> dir(MQTTClient)
['reconnect', 'log', 'publish', '__module__', 'wait_msg', 'delay', '__qualname__', 'DELAY', 'DEBUG']

If you see this result you have successfully installed the umqtt package. :tada: :relieved: