


CoffeeSprites is a plugin for Node.js CoffeeStylesheets which allows you to use functions like sprite_position(), sprite_height(), image_width(), sprite_map(), etc. within your *.css.coffee markup to automatically fetch images and generate css sprites at render time.

If you come from the Ruby on Rails community, you will immediately recognize conventions from Spriting with Compass/SASS, originally Lemonade.

Installation on Debian/Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install libgd2-xpm-dev # libgd; the node-gd dependency
sudo apt-get install pngcrush # optional; helps compress PNG
npm install coffee-sprites


CoffeeStylesheets = require 'coffee-stylesheets'
engine = new CoffeeStylesheets format: true

CoffeeSprites = require __dirname + 'coffee-sprites'
engine.use new CoffeeSprites
  image_path:  __dirname + '/precompile/assets/sprites/'
  sprite_path: __dirname + '/static/public/assets/'
  sprite_url:  '/assets/'

  stylesheet = ->
    body ->
      background '#eee'
      color '#333'
      margin '20px'
    wigi = sprite_map 'wigi',
      spacing: 10
    s '#wigi', ->
      background "url(#{sprite_url wigi}) no-repeat"
      height sprite_height wigi, 'fly-3'
      width sprite_width wigi, 'fly-3'
    for i, v of 'walk-1 walk-2 walk-3 run-1 run-2 run-3 fly-1 fly-2 fly-3 fall jump'.split ' '
      s '#wigi.wigi-'+i, ->
        background_position sprite_position wigi, v

css = engine.render stylesheet, (err, css) ->
  fs.writeFileSync __dirname + '/static/public/assets/application.css', css

Will output CSS like this:

#wigi {
  background: url(./wigi-2e192be7fd.png) no-repeat;
  height: 112px;
  width: 96px;
#wigi.wigi-0 {
  background-position: 0 -122px;
#wigi.wigi-1 {
  background-position: 0 -244px;
#wigi.wigi-2 {
  background-position: 0 -366px;
#wigi.wigi-3 {
  background-position: 0 -484px;
#wigi.wigi-4 {
  background-position: 0 -606px;
#wigi.wigi-5 {
  background-position: 0 -728px;
#wigi.wigi-6 {
  background-position: 0 -850px;
#wigi.wigi-7 {
  background-position: 0 -968px;
#wigi.wigi-8 {
  background-position: 0 0;
#wigi.wigi-9 {
  background-position: 0 -1086px;
#wigi.wigi-10 {
  background-position: 0 -1208px;

and CoffeeSprites will produce output like this:

For the latest and most comprehensive examples of input, see ./test/fixtures/precompile/assets/.


npm test # build coffee, run mocha unit test, run chrome browser integration test