

Vectorz Logo

Fast double-precision vector and matrix maths library for Java, based around the concept of N-dimensional arrays.

This library is designed for use in games, simulations, raytracers, machine learning etc. where fast vector maths is important.

Some highlights:


Vectorz is reasonably mature, battle tested and being used in production applications. The API is still evolving however as new features get added so you can expect a few minor changes, at least until version 1.0.0

Build Status


See the Vectorz Wiki

Example usage

    Vector3 v=Vector3.of(1.0,2.0,3.0);		
    v.normalise();                       // normalise v to a unit vector
    Vector3 d=Vector3.of(10.0,0.0,0.0);		
    d.addMultiple(v, 5.0);               // d = d + (v * 5)
	Matrix33 m=Matrixx.createXAxisRotationMatrix(Math.PI);
	Vector3 rotated=m.transform(d);      // rotate 180 degrees around x axis	    

Key features

Vectorz is deigned to allow the maximum performance possible for vector maths on the JVM.

This focus has driven a number of important design decisions:

If you have a use case that isn't yet well optimised then please post an issue - the aim is to make all common operations as efficient as possible.