

cs100 - open source software construction

<!--This repository contains the course materials for [UC Riverside](http://www.cs.ucr.edu)'s open source software construction course.-->

This is a course on how to be a hacker. Being a hacker means a lot of things. It means:

  1. wanting to know how and why computers work

  2. being efficient / never repeating yourself

  3. using and contributing to open source software

  4. understanding the edge cases of your software

  5. using tools in creative and unexpected ways

  6. (occasionally) we combine all these together and break stuff

Hacking is a mindset. I can't force it on you---it's up to you to embrace it. For example, we'll be discussing many new tools in this course: a version control system called git, an editor called vim, debugging tools called gdb, valgrind, and cppcheck, and we'll be going into quite a bit more depth on how to use the bash shell and the Linux operating system. All of these tools are very weird. Using them will make you uncomfortable. At first. But these tools are powerful. Mastering these tools will make you a much more efficient programmer. Once you've mastered them, you'll never go back.

There are two main projects you will work on in this course:

  1. Your first four homework assignments walk you through the process of building your own unix shell. This is the biggest project you've undertaken so far. You'll be developing it as an open source project, and you will collaborate with each other at various points.

  2. Your last homework assignment is to contribute to the open source community by improving the documentation on a project of your choice. Many of the required readings for this course were written by former cs100 students. If you do a good job on this project, future cs100 students will be learning from you for years to come!

By the end of the course, you should be comfortable running your own open source projects and contributing to other people's projects.


positionnameoffice hours (WCH 110)
teaching assistant

IMPORTANT: If you want to contact the instructors about the course, you should report an issue via github. We will talk about how to do this in class. This is a system similar to the piazza system you may already be familiar with, but it is more popular for open source software development.

course schedules

Our lectures will roughly follow this schedule. You should do the required readings before class. I will occasionally have unscheduled quizzes to ensure you are doing the reading.

1Daniel Lemire's how to learn efficiently (recommended; not required)introduction; using vim
1ESR's all about unixversion control with git
1ESR's about common software licenses; the New Yorker's 30 year retrospective on the GNU manifestoversion control with git
2Paul Graham's what to do in collegeversion control with git
2Ian Malpass's advice to future software engineers; Linus Tolvalds gets interviewed on why he developed gitversion control with git
2Lucas Xu's Makefile tutorial; Alexander Ortiz's how to write a README file; ESR's thoughts on unix documentation part I and part IIsyscalls: managing processes (fork,wait,exec,perror); quiz
3the relevant sections of the syscalls tutorialsyscalls: managing processes (fork,wait,exec,perror)
3bitwise operators; macrossyscalls: managing files (open,close,read,write)
3the relevant sections of the syscalls tutorialsyscalls: managing files (open,close,read,write)
4William Coates' valgrind tutorial;debugging tools (gdb,valgrind,cppcheck)
4Jeff Atwood's how to become a better programmerdebugging tools (gdb,valgrind,cppcheck)
4the relevant sections of the syscalls tutorialsyscalls: managing directories (readdir,stat);quiz
5Ycombinator's startup ideas we'd like to fund and Paul Graham's start up fundingshell scripting: io redirection/piping
5Patrick McKenzie on salary negotiation for programmers (it's long; you don't have to read it all)shell scripting: io redirection/piping
5Shubhro Saha's why engineers should write; the economist's good writing stylewriting good documentation
6syscalls: io redirection/piping (pipe,dup)
6the relevant sections of the syscalls tutorialsyscalls: io redirection/piping (pipe,dup)
6ESR's classic Master Foo seriesshell scripting: control flow with if and for; quiz
7regular expressionsshell scripting: environment variables (export,PATH,HOME,EDITOR)
7shell scripting: environment variables (export,PATH,HOME,EDITOR)
7syscalls: signal handling (signal,sigaction)
8syscalls: signal handling (signal,sigaction)
8the relevant sections of the syscalls tutorialshell scripting: environment variables (export,PATH,HOME,EDITOR)
8syscalls: environment variables (getenv,setenv); quiz
9ESR's thoughts on flaws with unix; Poul-Henning Kamp's a generation lost in the bazaarthe flaws of Unix and open source
10case study: hacking the email system and the ioccc.org
10case study: stuxnet and heartbleed
10final quiz
<!-- ESR's thoughts on [using make](http://www.catb.org/esr/writings/taoup/html/ch15s04.html) Kenley Arai's tutorial on [test driven development](textbook/bestpractices/TestDrivenDevelopment); Gabriel Ruiz's [tutorial on how to design test cases](textbook/bestpractices/WritingGoodTestCases); Paul Graham's [how to be a good hacker](http://www.paulgraham.com/gh.html); -->

If there's something you want to learn not on the schedule, let me know! We have a lot of flexibility in this course to learn fun things.

The assignments are due on the following days:

assignmentdue date
hw4 - topic
hw4 - draft
hw4 - final

You will receive -10 pts for each hour (rounded up) that your assignment is late.


We will not be using ilearn in this course. Instead, we will be using a course management system called gitlearn. This software was developed in part by previous cs100 students, and you will be able to earn considerable extra credit by contributing to it. We will be using this system as a case study in bash programming and the unix philosophy. For details, see the gitlearn repo.

cheating policy

Every assignment specifies different collaboration policies. Some assignments will be individual, and some will be in a group. Follow the specified policy exactly!

I take cheating seriously. When I catch students cheating, I give them an F in the class. Then I forward your case to the academic integrity board and recommend that you be expelled from UCR.

All of your code will be run through an automated cheating detector. It is very good. It understands C++ better than you do and can find instances of cheating much more sophisticated than just copy and pasting.