


Prettier embeds for your YouTubes - with nice options like high-res preview images, advanced customization of embed options, and optional FitVids support.

PrettyEmbed.js on GitHub

PrettyEmbed.js Demo on CodePen


Getting Started


There are two methods of implementing PrettyEmbed.js - an HTML5 driven method, and a script driven method.

  1. Include jQuery
  2. Include waitForImages
  3. On the document.ready() event, call the plugin

HTML5 Driven Application

Form embeds by attaching the class of .pretty-embed, as well as any other required data-pe- options.

<div class="pretty-embed" data-pe-videoid="aBcDeFg12345" data-pe-fitvids="true"></div>

Call the plugin

$().prettyEmbed({ useFitVids: true });

Script Driven

Create an HTML placeholder, such as this:

<div id="my-video-display"></div>

Call the plugin on the placeholder element:

	videoID: 'aBcDeFg12345',
	previewSize: 'hd',				// use either this option...
	customPreviewImage: '',			// ...or this option

	// Embed controls
	showInfo: false,
	showControls: true,
	loop: false,

	colorScheme: 'dark',
	showRelated: false,

	useFitVids: true

Note that html5 data-pe- attributes will take precedence over the options called programmatically. E.g. data-pe-videoid="aBcDeFg1234" takes precedence over options.videoID: '1234GfEdCbA'.

Also Note that if a particular preview image size is loading a generic gray "three dots" image, YouTube might not have generated a thumbnail in this size. Try a different size.


videoIDThe video ID of the YouTube video. This option will be ignored if the data-videoid attribute is present. (E.g.: aBcDeFg12345)
previewSizePreview image size pulled from YouTube. This option will be ignored if the customPreviewImage attribute is present. Available sizes from smallest to largest: thumb-default, thumb-1, thumb-2, thumb-3, default, medium, high, hd (default)
customPreviewImageCustom defined preview image URL. This option overrides options.previewSize.
showInfoDisplay video information (top bar).
showControlsDisplay YouTube player controls.
loopPlay video as a loop.
closedCaptionsDisplays closed captions (if available).
localizationChanges the localization. Accepts an ISO 639-1 two-letter language code.
colorSchemeDisplay YouTube player user interface.
showRelatedDisplay YouTube related videos on video end.
allowFullScreenDefaults to true, can be set to false to disable the viewer from viewing in fullscreen mode.
useFitVidsCall FitVids.js on .pretty-embed instances once the video(s) is/are loaded.







Thanks to the contributors and suggestions from around the web.

Thanks to alexanderdickson for waitForImages, which this plugin leverages for dynamic image previews.


Mike Zarandona | @mikezarandona
