

Sitecore Delete Access Rights

This package enables the "item:removeVersion" access right, allowing authors to remove individual item versions without allowing authors to delete the entire item. It also allows the initial creator of an item to delete his/her own item, unless an explicit deny delete access right is applied to the item.

More details in this blog post

Build and install

Update the nuget package sitecore references if the version doesn't match your Sitecore version. Compile the solution and copy the output dll and the config file to target instance.

The config file updates the two default authorization providers, SqlServerAuthorizationProvider and BucketAuthorizationProvider. If you've made customization to these providers, this module needs to be updated accordingly.


The module enables the "Remove version" permission in the Security Rights dialog. When you need to allow users to delete item versions, but not the entire item, assign the Remove version permission accordingly:

remove version access option

The module also enables authors to delete items created by them selves, unless there are other explicit delete permissions. Note that the "CreatedBy" field is a versioned field, so the access right is evaluated based on the very first item version, regardless of language.

access viewer