



JCSG extension library for producing high-quality meshes from JCSG mesh objects. The mesh optimization is performed with the cross-platform meshing software ProMesh which is available as ug4 plugin.

<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/miho/JCSG-MeshExtensions/master/res/img/optimize.jpg" alt="optimization" width="450">

Sample Code

// we use cube and sphere as base geometries
CSG cube   = new Cube(2).toCSG();
CSG sphere = new Sphere(1.25).toCSG();

// compute difference between cube and sphere
CSG cubeMinusSphere = cube.difference(sphere);

// create a copy of cube-sphere that shall be optimized
CSG optimized       = cubeMinusSphere.

// perform the optimization
CSG all = MeshTools.optimize(
        optimized, // csg object to optimize
        1e-6,      // tolerance
        1e-4,      // max tolerance
        0.25,      // min edge length
        1.5        // max edge length

// save optimized mesh as "all.stl"
Files.write(Paths.get("all.stl"), all.toStlString().getBytes());

How to Build JCSG-MeshExtensions



Open the JCSG-MeshExtensions Gradle project in your favourite IDE (tested with NetBeans 8.2) and build it by calling the assemble task.

Command Line

Navigate to the Gradle project (e.g., path/to/JCSG-MeshExtensions) and enter the following command

Bash (Linux/OS X/Cygwin/other Unix-like shell)

bash gradlew assemble

Windows (CMD)

gradlew assemble