

This is a reporter for the go-metrics library which will post the metrics to Librato. It was originally part of the go-metrics library itself, but has been split off to make maintenance of both the core library and the client easier.


import "github.com/mihasya/go-metrics-librato"

go librato.Librato(metrics.DefaultRegistry,
    10e9,                  // interval
    "example@example.com", // account owner email address
    "token",               // Librato API token
    "hostname",            // source
    []float64{0.95},       // percentiles to send
    time.Millisecond,      // time unit

Migrating from rcrowley/go-metrics implementation

Simply modify the import from "github.com/rcrowley/go-metrics/librato" to "github.com/mihasya/go-metrics-librato" and it should Just Work.