

My personal rocker extensions

Dev Helpers

Install packages useful for development with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-dev-helpers ubuntu:bionic


Install neovim stable/nightly from PPA with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-nvim ubuntu:bionic

Use --mp-nvim-nightly to install the nightly builds.


Install zsh with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-zsh ubuntu:bionic

Set locale

Set 'en_US.UTF-8' locale with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-en-us-locale ubuntu:bionic

Doceker-in-Docker (host daemon)

Mounts the host daemon's docker socket (/var/run/docker.sock) into the container and installs the docker CLI

rocker --mp-dind-host ubuntu:bionic

Interacting with the docker daemon will require sudo when using this extension. This can be avoided by adding a docker group inside the container matching the GID of the host's docker group, and then adding the user to that group, with:

sudo groupadd -g <HOST_DOCKER_GID> docker
sudo usermod -aG docker <USER_NAME>
# A new session will need to be started for these changes to take effect

Kitware CMake

Install an up-to-date version of CMake from Kitware's own repository with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-kitware-cmake ubuntu:bionic

NodeSource Node.js

Install LTS version of Node.js from NodeSource binary distributions with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-nodesource-nodejs ubuntu:bionic


Install recent git from PPA with, e.g.:

rocker --mp-git-ppa ubuntu:bionic