<img src="./screenshot.gif" width="750" />Monitor traffic for unencrypted data (using tshark) and display a dashboard in terminal.
npm install -g wos
$ wos --help
Monitor traffic for unencrypted data and display a dashboard.
$ wos -i <interface> [options]
Capture interface is required. Use ifconfig command to find interfaces.
SSID and password are required if using secured wifi such as WPA or WEP in order to decrypt packets.
Wrap SSID and password in single quotes in order to escape special characters.
After running wos, devices must send perform the EAPOL handshake in order for wos to decrypt their traffic. The handshake is initiated when the device connects or reconnects to the network.
-i, --interface Capture interface
-s, --ssid Wifi SSID
-p, --pass Wifi password
-c, --channel Wifi channel
-n, --nomonitor Disable monitor mode
-f, --format Format: dash (default), text
-o, --outfile Output file
-r, --readfile Read pcap file instead of monitoring
$ wos -i en0 --ssid='HomeWifi' --pass='d4Pazsw0rD' -o data.txt
You can simply just run wos
command and it'll set up the options based on your current wifi connection.
$ wos
You can manually set the network capture interface card, as well as the SSID and password of the network. Those are required in order to decrypt packets on a secured network such as WPA. <br/>Remember, you can only capture on the same network you are connected to.
$ wos -i en0 --ssid='HomeWifi' --pass='d4Pazsw0rD'
WOS supports:
Retrieving credentials from unencrypted HTTP pages
Retrieving credentials from unencrypted FTP logins
Retrieving credentials from unencrypted SMTP logins
Retrieving credentials from unencrypted POP logins
Retrieving credentials from unencrypted IMAP logins
Retrieving data from unencrypted TELNET sessions
tshark (comes with Wireshark)
Wireless interface card that supports monitor mode. Here's a list.
Q. My wireless card is stuck in monitor mode!
A. Kill
processes and toggle off and on the wireless card.$ pkill tshark
Q. I'm monitoring and can see EAPOL handshakes but I'm not capturing data.
A. Make sure to set the correct wifi channel when running wos, especially if you're on dual-band wifi. You can only monitor on one channel.
$ wos -c 36
Q. What does WOS mean?
A. It means "Wall of Shetland"
<sub><sup>Wall of Sheep is a trademark and couldn't use it.</sup></sub>