

Alexa Skills Kit Fortune App

<img src="./designAssets/icon108x108.png" width="100">

Read a random, hopefully interesting, adage.

Copycat of unix fortune command for the Amazon Echo.


> Alexa, open fortune.

(response) You will remember something that you should not have forgotten.

Example utterances to ask:

Alexa, open fortune.
Alexa, tell fortune.
Alexa, load fortune.
Alexa, start fortune.
Alexa, ask fortune.

You can also keep an open session to keep it reading fortunes.

> Alexa, tell fortune to remain open.
(response) ok.
> tell me a fortune.
(response) A visit to a strange place will bring fresh work.
> tell me another one.
(response) Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
> another one.
(response) You are confused; but this is your normal state.
> repeat last fortune.
(response) You are confused; but this is your normal state.
> exit.
