

ASK Hacker News App

<img src="./designAssets/icon108x108.png" width="100">

An Alexa Skills Kit app to read the top Hacker News headlines.


Things you can try asking.

Open app

Alexa, open Hacker News.
Alexa, load Hacker News.
Alexa, start Hacker News.

Top stories

Sample utterances

Alexa, ask Hacker News for top stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for new stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for show HN stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for ask HN stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for job stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for best stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for active stories.
Alexa, ask Hacker News for [type] [count] stories.

Alexa, tell Hacker News to read top headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read new headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read show HN headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read ask HN headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read job headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read best headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read active headlines.
Alexa, tell Hacker News to read [type] [count] headlines.

Sample response

(response) Here are the latest 30 top Hacker News stories.
(response) First story with 357 points from slashdot.org: "SSH Backdoor found in Fortinet firewalls".
(response) Next story with 234 points from github.com: "So You Think You Can Program an Elevator".
(response) Would you like to hear more stories?

The stories will also appear in the Alexa app as a card.


Alexa, ask Hacker News for help.
(respnse) You can ask me for "top", "new", "show", "ask", "job", "best", "active", or "noob" Hacker News stories. See the Help card in the Alexa app for additional information.


Alexa, quit.
Alexa, exit.
