

What is xlang?

The xlang project is the hub for the constellation of tools that enable development of Windows applications across a variety of programming languages. This includes tooling to process metadata, and tooling to access APIs from various programming languages including C#, C++, Rust, and Python.

Code in this repository provides infrastructure and tooling related to basic metadata handling & app usage. Tooling for each language is (mostly) maintained in separate repositories. Issue and work tracking for each tool or language is tracked in the corresponding repository as well. Issues that span languages or relate to basic metadata issues are tracked here.

Metadata & Infrastructure





Cross-platform WinRT

When this repository first created, we used this space to explore what it would take to bring Windows Runtime APIs to other platforms. While that investment has been put on hold for the time being, some of the project code and samples in this repo remain but may be in disrepair.

Related projects


Code licensed under the MIT License.


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