

Jupyter Extension for Visual Studio Code

A Visual Studio Code extension that provides basic notebook support for language kernels that are supported in Jupyter Notebooks today, and allows any Python environment to be used as a Jupyter kernel. This is NOT a Jupyter kernel--you must have Python environment in which you've installed the Jupyter package, though many language kernels will work with no modification. To enable advanced features, modifications may be needed in the VS Code language extensions.


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Work in the browser

Editing Jupyter notebooks in VS Code can also be done on the browser in two ways.

  1. The Jupyter extension has support for a web based interface provided by vscode.dev (which includes github.dev, available by typing '.' when viewing a repo on github.com)
  2. The Jupyter extension can be installed on VS Code in GitHub Codespaces the same way it is done locally (or sync your VS Code settings to have your extensions installed automatically on Codespaces).

Installed extensions

The Jupyter Extension will automatically install the following extensions by default to provide enhanced Jupyter notebook experiences in VS Code.

You can also install the Jupyter PowerToys extension to try out experimental features (not installed by default). Extensions installed through the marketplace are subject to the Marketplace Terms of Use, and any or all of these extensions can be disabled or uninstalled.

Working with Python

Quick Start

Working with other Languages

The Jupyter Extension supports other languages in addition to Python such as Julia, R, and C#.

Quick Start

Notebook support

The Jupyter Extension uses the built-in notebook support from VS Code. This UI gives a number of advantages to users of notebooks:

Useful commands

Open the Command Palette (Command+Shift+P on macOS and Ctrl+Shift+P on Windows/Linux) and type in one of the following commands:

Jupyter: Create New Jupyter NotebookCreates a new Jupyter Notebook
Notebook: Select Notebook KernelSelect or switch kernels within your notebook
Notebook: Change Cell LanguageChange the language of the cell currently in focus
Jupyter: Export to HTML Jupyter: Export to PDFCreate a presentation-friendly version of your notebook in HTML or PDF

To see all available Jupyter Notebook commands, open the Command Palette and type Jupyter or Notebook.

Context Keys for Key bindings

You can use the extension's context keys in 'when' clauses. Here's an example:

    "key": "ctrl+i",
    "command": "jupyter.runAndDebugCell",
    "when": "!jupyter.webExtension"

That keybinding states the jupyter.runAndDebugCell command should map to CTRL+I when not in the jupyter.webExtension.

The full list of context keys can be found here: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter/wiki/Extensibility-for-other-extensions#context-keys-for-keybindings

Feature details

Learn more about the rich features of the Jupyter extension:

Supported locales

The extension is available in multiple languages: de, en, es, fa, fr, it, ja, ko-kr, nl, pl, pt-br, ru, tr, zh-cn, zh-tw

Questions, issues, feature requests, and contributions

Data and telemetry

The Microsoft Jupyter Extension for Visual Studio Code collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft to help improve our products and services. Read our privacy statement to learn more. This extension respects the telemetry.telemetryLevel setting which you can learn more about at https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/supporting/faq#_how-to-disable-telemetry-reporting.


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