

<p> <h2 align="center">VS Code Custom Data</h2> Documentation, sample and data for using VS Code's HTML/CSS custom data format. </p>


VS Code ships with rich language feature support for HTML/CSS, such as auto-completion and hover information. The core of these language support are implemented in vscode-html-languageservice and vscode-css-languageservice. In the past, these libraries were coupled to outdated schemas that define HTML/CSS entities. Custom data decouples these libraries from the data they use and allows VS Code to offer up-to-date support for latest HTML/CSS proposals or frameworks built on top of HTML/CSS.


There are two primary use cases:

  1. You can use settings, html.customData and css.customData in your settings to let VS Code load additional HTML/CSS entities, so they would show up in auto-completion, hover information etc. See helloworld sample for an example.
  2. You can use Contribution Points, contributes.html.customData or contributes.css.customData to load Custom Data into VS Code. See vscode-mavo for an example.


Take this HTML auto-completion example:


On the one hand, we continuously curate the data VS Code provides to the HTML/CSS language services. For example, VS Code pulls data from mdn/data and mdn/browser-compat-data to provide latest information on CSS properties' usage, syntax and browser compatibility. By continously following the latest web spec, VS Code can provide latest information & up-to-date language support for new HTML/CSS entities.

<div align="center"> <img alt="CSS completion" src="./media/css-completion.png" width="680px"> </div> <p></p>

On the other hand, for users and framework authors who build new technologies and frameworks on top of HTML/CSS, custom data offers an easy way for them to add support for their custom frameworks. For example:

<div align="center"> <img alt="WebComponents completion" src="./samples/webcomponents/demo.gif" width="680px"> </div>


Schemas and Versioning



Web Data

/web-data contains the data collection pipelines and the actual data being used in the VS Code HTML extension and CSS extension. It pulls data from sources such as HTML/CSS spec and MDN and massages them into the custom data format ready to use.

Updating Web Data


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