

Graph Neural Networks in TF2

Implementation and example training scripts of various flavours of graph neural network in TensorFlow 2.0. Much of it is based on the code in the tf-gnn-samples repo.

The code is maintained by the AI4Science team at Microsoft Research. We are hiring.

Currently this package is not under active developement, but it does continue to be used as a backend for our generative model of molecules.


You can install the tf2_gnn module from the Python Package Index using pip install tf2_gnn.

Alternatively (for example, for development), you can check out this repository, navigate to it and run pip install -e ./ to install it as a local editable package.

You will then be able to use the tf2_gnn.layers.GNN class and related utilities.

This code was tested in Python 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.

Testing the Installation

To test if all components are set up correctly, you can run a simple experiment on the protein-protein interaction (PPI) task first described by Zitnik & Leskovec, 2017. You can download the data for this task from https://data.dgl.ai/dataset/ppi.zip and unzip it into a local directory (e.g., data/ppi). Then, you can use the convenience utility tf2_gnn_train (see --help for a description of options) to train a Relational Graph Convoluational Network model as follows:

$ tf2_gnn_train RGCN PPI --max-epochs 10 data/ppi/
Setting random seed 0.
Trying to load task/model-specific default parameters from /dpuhome/files/users/mabrocks/Projects/TF2-GNN/tf2_gnn/cli_utils/default_hypers/PPI_RGCN.json ... File found.
 Dataset default parameters: {'max_nodes_per_batch': 10000, 'add_self_loop_edges': True, 'tie_fwd_bkwd_edges': False}
Loading data from data/ppi/.
 Loading PPI train data from data/ppi/.
 Loading PPI valid data from data/ppi/.
Dataset parameters: {"max_nodes_per_batch": 8000, "add_self_loop_edges": true, "tie_fwd_bkwd_edges": false}
Model parameters: {"gnn_aggregation_function": "sum", "gnn_message_activation_function": "ReLU", "gnn_hidden_dim": 320, "gnn_use_target_state_as_input": false, "gnn_normalize_by_num_incoming": true, "gnn_num_edge_MLP_hidden_layers": 0, "gnn_message_calculation_class": "RGCN", "gnn_initial_node_representation_activation": "tanh", "gnn_dense_intermediate_layer_activation": "tanh", "gnn_num_layers": 4, "gnn_dense_every_num_layers": 10000, "gnn_residual_every_num_layers": 10000, "gnn_use_inter_layer_layernorm": false, "gnn_layer_input_dropout_rate": 0.1, "gnn_global_exchange_mode": "gru", "gnn_global_exchange_every_num_layers": 10000, "gnn_global_exchange_weighting_fun": "softmax", "gnn_global_exchange_num_heads": 4, "gnn_global_exchange_dropout_rate": 0.2, "optimizer": "Adam", "learning_rate": 0.001, "learning_rate_decay": 0.98, "momentum": 0.85, "gradient_clip_value": 1.0}
Initial valid metric: Avg MicroF1: 0.368.
   (Stored model metadata to trained_model/RGCN_PPI__2020-02-25_11-10-38_best.pkl and weights to trained_model/RGCN_PPI__2020-02-25_11-10-38_best.hdf5)
== Epoch 1
 Train:  25.6870 loss | Avg MicroF1: 0.401 | 2.63 graphs/s
 Valid:  33.1668 loss | Avg MicroF1: 0.419 | 4.01 graphs/s
  (Best epoch so far, target metric decreased to -0.41886 from -0.36762.)
   (Stored model metadata to trained_model/RGCN_PPI__2020-02-25_11-10-38_best.pkl and weights to trained_model/RGCN_PPI__2020-02-25_11-10-38_best.hdf5)

After training finished, tf2_gnn_test trained_model/RGCN_PPI__2020-02-25_11-10-38_best.pkl data/ppi can be used to test the trained model.

Code Structure


The core functionality of the library is implemented as TensorFlow 2 (Keras) layers, enabling easy integration into other code.


This implements a deep Graph Neural Network, stacking several layers of message passing. On construction, a dictionary of hyperparameters needs to be provided (default values can be obtained from GNN.get_default_hyperparameters()). These hyperparameters configure the exact stack of GNN layers:

The GNN layer takes a GNNInput named tuple as input, which encapsulates initial node features, adjacency lists, and auxiliary information. The easiest way to construct such a tuple is to use the provided dataset classes in combination with the provided model.


This implements the task of computing a graph-level representation given node-level representations (e.g., obtained by the GNN layer).

Currently, this is only implemented by the WeightedSumGraphRepresentation layer, which produces a graph representation by a multi-headed weighted sum of (transformed) node representations, configured by the following hyperparameters set in the layer constructor:


We use a sparse representation of graphs, which requires a complex batching strategy in which the graphs making up a minibatch are joined into a single graph of many disconnected components. The extensible tf2_gnn.data.GraphDataset class implements this procedure, and can be subclassed to handle task-specific datasets and additional properties. It exposes a get_tensorflow_dataset method that can be used to obtain a tf.data.Dataset that can be used in training/evaluation loops.

We currently provide three implementations of this:


We provide some built-in models in tf2_gnn.models, which can either be directly re-used or serve as inspiration for other models:


Tasks are a combination of datasets, models and specific hyperparameter settings. These can be registered (and then used by name) using the utilities in tf2_gnn.utils.task_utils (where a few default tasks are defined as well) and then used in tools such as tf2_gnn_train.



Brockschmidt, 2019

Marc Brockschmidt. GNN-FiLM: Graph Neural Networks with Feature-wise Linear Modulation. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1906.12192)

Li et al., 2015

Yujia Li, Daniel Tarlow, Marc Brockschmidt, and Richard Zemel. Gated Graph Sequence Neural Networks. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2016. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1511.05493.pdf)

Ramakrishnan et al., 2014

Raghunathan Ramakrishnan, Pavlo O. Dral, Matthias Rupp, and O. Anatole Von Lilienfeld. Quantum Chemistry Structures and Properties of 134 Kilo Molecules. Scientific Data, 1, 2014. (https://www.nature.com/articles/sdata201422/)

Schlichtkrull et al., 2017

Michael Schlichtkrull, Thomas N. Kipf, Peter Bloem, Rianne van den Berg, Ivan Titov, and Max Welling. Modeling Relational Data with Graph Convolutional Networks. In Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), 2018. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.06103.pdf)

Veličković et al. 2018

Petar Veličković, Guillem Cucurull, Arantxa Casanova, Adriana Romero, Pietro Liò, and Yoshua Bengio. Graph Attention Networks. In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2018. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.10903.pdf)

Xu et al. 2019

Keyulu Xu, Weihua Hu, Jure Leskovec, and Stefanie Jegelka. How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks? In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR), 2019. (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1810.00826.pdf)

Zitnik & Leskovec, 2017

Marinka Zitnik and Jure Leskovec. Predicting Multicellular Function Through Multi-layer Tissue Networks. Bioinformatics, 33, 2017. (https://arxiv.org/abs/1707.04638)


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