

Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis

This repo constains the pytorch implementation for the ECCV 2018 paper (paper). We use deep networks to learn feature representations optimized for nearest neighbor classifiers, which could generalize better for new object categories. This project is a re-investigation of Neighborhood Component Analysis (NCA) with recent technologies to make it scalable to deep networks and large-scale datasets.

Much of code is extended from the previous unsupervised learning project. Please refer to this repo for more details.

<img src="http://zhirongw.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/figs/snca.png" width="800px"/>

Pretrained Models

Currently, we provide three pretrained ResNet models. Each release contains the feature representation of all ImageNet training images (600 mb) and model weights (100-200mb). Models and their performance with nearest neighbor classifiers are as follows.

Code to reproduce the rest of the experiments are comming soon.

Nearest Neighbors

Please follow this link for a list of nearest neighbors on ImageNet. Results are visualized from our ResNet50 feature, compared with baseline ResNet50 feature, raw image features and previous unsupervised features. First column is the query image, followed by 20 retrievals ranked by the similarity.

<img src="http://zhirongw.westus2.cloudapp.azure.com/figs/nn.png" width="800px"/>


Our code extends the pytorch implementation of imagenet classification in official pytorch release. Please refer to the official repo for details of data preparation and hardware configurations.


  title={Improving Generalization via Scalable Neighborhood Component Analysis},
  author={Wu, Zhirong and Efros, Alexei A and Yu, Stella},
  booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018},


For any questions, please feel free to reach

Zhirong Wu: xavibrowu@gmail.com


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