

Qlib-Server is the data server system for Qlib. It enable Qlib to run in online mode. Under online mode, the data will be deployed as a shared data service. The data and their cache will be shared by all the clients. The data retrieval performance is expected to be improved due to a higher rate of cache hits. It will consume less disk space, too.

To sum up, Qlib-Server is designed to solve the following problems:

Framework of Qlib-Server

<div style="align: center"> <img src="docs/_static/img/framework.png" /> </div>

The Client/Server framework of Qlib is based on WebSocket considering its capability of bidirectional communication between client and server in async mode.

Qlib-Server is based on Flask, which is a micro-framework for Python and here Flask-SocketIO is used for websocket connection.

Quick start


One-click Deployment

One-click deployment of Qlib-Server is supported, you can choose either of the following two methods for one-click deployment:

One-click Deployment with docker-compose

Deploy Qlib-Server with docker-compose according to the following processes:

One-click Deployment in Azure

Firstly, You need to have an Azure account to deploy Qlib-Server in Azure. Then you can deploy Qlib-Server in Azure according to the following processes:

To know more about one-click Deployment, please refer to Qlib-Server One-click Deployment.

Step-by-step Deployment

To know more about step-by-step Deployment, please refer to [Qlib-Server Step-by-step Deplyment]https://qlib-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/build.html#step-by-step-deployment).

Using Qlib in Online Mode

In the Qlib Document, the Offline mode has been introduced.

With Qlib-Server, you can use Qlib in Online mode, please initialize Qlib with the following code:

import qlib
    # data provider config
    "calendar_provider": {"class": "LocalCalendarProvider", "kwargs": {"remote": True}},
    "instrument_provider": "ClientInstrumentProvider",
    "feature_provider": {"class": "LocalFeatureProvider", "kwargs": {"remote": True}},
    "expression_provider": "LocalExpressionProvider",
    "dataset_provider": "ClientDatasetProvider",
    "provider": "ClientProvider",
    # config it in user's own code
    "provider_uri": "",
    # cache
    # Using parameter 'remote' to announce the client is using server_cache, and the writing access will be disabled.
    "expression_cache": None,
    "dataset_cache": None,
    "calendar_cache": None,
    "mount_path": "/data/stock_data/qlib_data",
    "auto_mount": True,  # The nfs is already mounted on our server[auto_mount: False].
    "flask_server": "",
    "flask_port": 9710,
    "region": "cn",

ins = D.list_instruments(D.instruments("all"), as_list=True)

For more details, please refer to Qlib-Server Client.

More About Qlib-Server

The detailed documents are organized in docs. Sphinx and the readthedocs theme is required to build the documentation in html formats.

cd docs/
conda install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme -y
# Otherwise, you can install them with pip
# pip install sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
make html

You can also view the latest document online directly.


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