

Welcome to the Visual Studio MI Debug Engine ("MIEngine")

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The Visual Studio MI Debug Engine ("MIEngine") provides an open-source Visual Studio extension that enables debugging with debuggers that support the gdb Machine Interface ("MI") specification such as GDB and LLDB.

In Visual Studio Code, MIEngine also powers the 'cppdbg' debug adapter which is part of the C/C++ Extension.

What is MIEngine?

MIEngine is a Visual Studio Debug Engine that understands Machine Interface ("MI"). A Debug Engine is an implementation of the Visual Studio Core Debug Interfaces (IDebug* interfaces), enabling the VS UI to drive debugging. Machine Interface is a text-based protocol developed by GDB that allows a debugger to be used as a separate component of a larger system. Additional information:

This repo also includes:

Debug Multiple Platforms


MIEngine can be built with either Visual Studio or with the .NET CLI.


Before you contribute, please read through the Contributing Guide to get an idea of requirements for pull requests.

Want to get more familiar with what's going on in the code?

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This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.


MIEngine is licensed under the MIT License.