


Microsoft Icecaps is an open-source toolkit for building neural conversational systems. Icecaps provides an array of tools from recent conversation modeling and general NLP literature within a flexible paradigm that enables complex multi-task learning setups.

Icecaps is currently on version 0.2.0. In this version we introduced several functionalities:

Please be aware that future versions of Icecaps will not guarantee backwards compatibility and may cause breaking changes.

Related repository (DialoGPT)

As an orthogonal repository of ICECAPS, we have released a conversational modeling repository based on pytorch-transformer, called DialoGPT. DialoGPT is an open-source large-scale pretrained response generation system trained on 147M multi-turn dialogue from Reddit discussion threads, yielding the state-of-the-art results on public dialogue generation challenges.



Icecaps is intended for Python environments and is built on top of TensorFlow. We recommend using Icecaps in an Anaconda environment with Python 3.7. Once you have created an environment, run the following command to install all required dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If your machine has a GPU, we recommend you instead install from requirements-gpu.txt.


We have provided some scripts in the examples/ directory. These scripts will introduce you to Icecaps' architecture, and we encourage you to use them as templates.

examples/train_simple_example.py is our "Hello World" script: it builds a simple seq2seq training scenario while demonstrating the basic five-phase pattern that Icecaps scripts follow.

examples/train_persona_mmi_example.py presents a more complex system that introduces component chaining and multi-task learning, the core aspects of Icecaps' architecture.

Finally, examples/data_processing_example.py gives an example of how to convert a raw text dataset to TFRecord files, which Icecaps uses to feed its data pipelines during training.

We plan to publish more tutorials on other kinds of conversational scenarios in the future.

Pre-Trained Systems

We plan to add pre-trained systems based on cutting-edge conversational modeling literature to Icecaps in the future. We had hoped to include these systems with Icecaps at launch. However, given that these systems may produce toxic responses in some contexts, we have decided to explore improved content-filtering techniques before releasing these models to the public. Follow this repository to stay up to date with new pre-trained system releases.


Visit our homepage here: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/project/microsoft-icecaps/

View our system demonstration paper from ACL 2019 here: https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P19-3021


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