

DPU Utilities PyPI - Python VersionAnaconda

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This contains a set of utilities used across projects of the DPU team.


Stored in the python subdirectory, published as the dpu-utils package.


pip install dpu-utils

OR via the community-maintained Conda recipe:

conda install -c conda-forge dpu-utils


Below you can find an overview of the utilities included. Detailed documentation is provided at the docstring of each class.

Generic Utilities dpu_utils.utils
General Machine Learning Utilities dpu_utils.mlutils
Code-related Utilities dpu_utils.codeutils
TensorFlow 1.x Utilities dpu_utils.tfutils

Unsorted segment operations following TensorFlow's unsorted_segment_sum operations:

TensorFlow 2.x Utilities dpu_utils.tf2utils

Unsorted segment operations following TensorFlow's unsorted_segment_sum operations:

TensorFlow Models dpu_utils.tfmodels

These models have not been tested with TF 2.0.

PyTorch Utilities dpu_utils.ptutils

Command-line tools

Approximate Duplicate Code Detection

You can use the deduplicationcli command to detect duplicates in pre-processed source code, by invoking

deduplicationcli DATA_PATH OUT_JSON

where DATA_PATH is a file containing tokenized .jsonl.gz files and OUT_JSON is the target output file. For more options look at --help.

An exact (but usually slower) version of this can be found here along with code to tokenize Java, C#, Python and JavaScript into the relevant formats.


Run the unit tests

python setup.py test

Generate code coverage reports

# pip install coverage
coverage run --source dpu_utils/ setup.py test && \
  coverage html

The resulting HTML file will be in htmlcov/index.html.


Stored in the dotnet subdirectory.

Generic Utilities:

Code-related Utilities:


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