


This will help recreate the dataset in the following paper:

Maria De-Arteaga, Alexey Romanov, Hanna Wallach, Jennifer Chayes, Christian Borgs, Alexandra Chouldechova, Sahin Geyik, Krishnaram Kenthapadi, Adam Kalai. Bias in Bios: A Case Study of Semantic Representation Bias in a High Stakes Setting. Proceedings of FAT*, 2019.

Note: requires python 3 and python packages: warcio (to process the common crawl), pebble (for multiprocessing with timeouts)

Just run ./recreate.sh and it will download the bios and put them in a python pickled file called BIOS.pkl. Note: the more cores you have on your machine the faster it will be. For example, on a machine with 64 cores, it might take about 6 hours per archive times 16 archives = 4 days.

Further details:


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