

App Center Command Line Interface (CLI)

Visual Studio App Center command line interface (CLI) is a unified tool for running App Center services from the command line. Our aim is to offer a concise and powerful tool for our developers to use App Center services and easily script a sequence of commands that they'd like to execute. You can currently login and view/configure all the apps that you have access to in App Center.


The required Node.js version is 18 or higher, Mono and the Android-SDK are required to run the UI test for Android and iOS.


npm install --location=global appcenter-cli

Once installed, use the appcenter command. See below for the available commands.

Getting Help

To get a top level list of the available commands, run appcenter help.

To get help on a specific command or category, run appcenter help command or pass the -h flag to any command or category name.

App Center provides SDK support directly within the App Center portal. Any time you need help, just sign in to App Center, then choose 'Contact support' inside the help menu on the upper right of the App Center portal and our dedicated support team will respond to your questions and feedback.


Below is the list of commands currently supported by Visual Studio App Center CLI:

appcenter helpGet help using appcenter commands
appcenter loginLog in
appcenter logoutLog out
appcenter setup-autocompleteSetup tab completion for your shell
appcenter analytics app-versionsShows versions of the application
appcenter analytics audienceShow audience statistics
appcenter analytics log-flowCommand to see the incoming logs in real time
appcenter analytics sessionsShow statistics for sessions
appcenter analytics events deleteDelete event
appcenter analytics events showShow statistics for events
appcenter apps createCreate a new app
appcenter apps deleteDelete an app
appcenter apps get-currentGet the application that's set as default for all CLI commands
appcenter apps listGet list of configured applications
appcenter apps set-currentSet default application for all CLI commands. Not compatible when authenticating with '--token' or an environment variable. Use environment variable 'MOBILE_CENTER_CURRENT_APP' to set the default app instead
appcenter apps showGet the details of an app
appcenter apps updateUpdate an app
appcenter build downloadDownload the binary, logs or symbols for a completed build
appcenter build logsDisplays log for build
appcenter build queueQueue a new build
appcenter build branches listShow list of branches
appcenter build branches showShow branch build status
appcenter codepush patchUpdate the metadata for an existing CodePush release
appcenter codepush promoteCreate a new release for the destination deployment, which includes the exact code and metadata from the latest release of the source deployment
appcenter codepush release-cordovaRelease a Cordova update to an app deployment
appcenter codepush release-electronRelease an Electron update to a deployment
appcenter codepush release-reactRelease a React Native update to an app deployment
appcenter codepush releaseRelease an update to an app deployment
appcenter codepush rollbackRollback a deployment to a previous release
appcenter codepush deployment addAdd a new deployment to an app
appcenter codepush deployment clearClear the release history associated with a deployment
appcenter codepush deployment historyDisplay the release history for a CodePush deployment
appcenter codepush deployment listList the deployments associated with an app
appcenter codepush deployment removeRemove CodePush deployment
appcenter codepush deployment renameRename CodePush deployment
appcenter crashes upload-mappingsUpload the Android mappings for the application
appcenter crashes upload-missing-symbolsUpload missing crash symbols for the application (only from macOS)
appcenter crashes upload-symbolsUpload the crash symbols for the application
appcenter distribute releaseUpload release binary and trigger distribution, at least one of --store or --group must be specified
appcenter distribute groups createCreate new distribution group
appcenter distribute groups deleteDeletes the distribution group
appcenter distribute groups downloadDownload release package for the distribution group
appcenter distribute groups listLists all distribution groups of the app
appcenter distribute groups publishPublish an app file to a group
appcenter distribute groups showShows information about the distribution group
appcenter distribute groups updateUpdate existing distribution group
appcenter distribute releases add-destinationDistribute an existing release to an additional destination
appcenter distribute releases deleteDeletes the release
appcenter distribute releases edit-notesUpdate release notes
appcenter distribute releases editToggles enabling and disabling the specified release
appcenter distribute releases listShows the list of all releases for the application
appcenter distribute releases showShows full details about release
appcenter distribute stores listLists all stores of the app
appcenter distribute stores publishPublish an app file to a store
appcenter orgs createCreate a new organization
appcenter orgs listLists organizations in which current user is collaborator
appcenter orgs showShow information about organization
appcenter orgs updateUpdate organization information
appcenter orgs apps createCreate a new app in an organization
appcenter orgs apps listLists applications of organization
appcenter orgs collaborators listLists collaborators of organization
appcenter orgs collaborators updateUpdate list of organization collaborators
appcenter profile listGet information about logged in user
appcenter profile updateUpdate user information
appcenter telemetry offTurn off the sending of telemetry
appcenter telemetry onTurn on the sending of telemetry
appcenter test downloadDownload the report artifacts, unpack and merge them. This command is only available for UITest and Appium test runs
appcenter test statusChecks the status of the started test run
appcenter test stopStop the started test run
appcenter test wizardStart a test run interactively. All the parameters will be prompted on-the-go
appcenter test generate appiumGenerates an Appium project
appcenter test generate uitestGenerates a Xamarin.UITest project
appcenter test prepare appiumCreates an artifacts directory with Appium tests
appcenter test prepare calabashCreates an artifacts directory with Calabash tests
appcenter test prepare espressoCreates an artifacts directory with Espresso tests
appcenter test prepare uitestCreates an artifacts directory with Xamarin UI Tests
appcenter test prepare xcuitestCreates an artifacts directory with XCUITest tests
appcenter test run appiumStarts a test run with Appium tests
appcenter test run calabashStarts a test run with Calabash tests
appcenter test run espressoStarts a test run with Espresso tests
appcenter test run manifestStarts a test run with previously prepared artifacts
appcenter test run uitestStarts a test run with Xamarin UI Tests
appcenter test run xcuitestStarts a test run with XCUITest tests
appcenter tokens createCreate a new API token
appcenter tokens deleteDelete an API token
appcenter tokens listGet a list of API tokens

Please use the appcenter help command to get more information about each one.


Please see the contributing file for an introduction to the codebase and what the various moving parts are.

Known issues

Check out known issues for a list of known issues, and potential workarounds.


Check out SECURITY.md for any security concern with this project.

Code of Conduct

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact opencode@microsoft.com with any additional questions or comments.