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Artificial Intelligence for Beginners - A Curriculum

 Sketchnote by (@girlie_mac)
AI For Beginners - Sketchnote by @girlie_mac

Explore the world of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with our 12-week, 24-lesson curriculum! It includes practical lessons, quizzes, and labs. The curriculum is beginner-friendly and covers tools like TensorFlow and PyTorch, as well as ethics in AI

What you will learn

Mindmap of the Course

In this curriculum, you will learn:

What we will not cover in this curriculum:

Find all additional resources for this course in our Microsoft Learn collection

For a gentle introduction to AI in the Cloud topics you may consider taking the Get started with artificial intelligence on Azure Learning Path.


Lesson LinkPyTorch/Keras/TensorFlowLab
0Course SetupSetup Your Development Environment
IIntroduction to AI
01Introduction and History of AI--
IISymbolic AI
02Knowledge Representation and Expert SystemsExpert Systems / Ontology /Concept Graph
IIIIntroduction to Neural Networks
04Multi-Layered Perceptron and Creating our own FrameworkNotebookLab
05Intro to Frameworks (PyTorch/TensorFlow) and OverfittingPyTorch / Keras / TensorFlowLab
IVComputer VisionPyTorch / TensorFlowExplore Computer Vision on Microsoft Azure
06Intro to Computer Vision. OpenCVNotebookLab
07Convolutional Neural Networks & CNN ArchitecturesPyTorch /TensorFlowLab
08Pre-trained Networks and Transfer Learning and Training TricksPyTorch / TensorFlowLab
09Autoencoders and VAEsPyTorch / TensorFlow
10Generative Adversarial Networks & Artistic Style TransferPyTorch / TensorFlow
11Object DetectionTensorFlowLab
12Semantic Segmentation. U-NetPyTorch / TensorFlow
VNatural Language ProcessingPyTorch /TensorFlowExplore Natural Language Processing on Microsoft Azure
13Text Representation. Bow/TF-IDFPyTorch / TensorFlow
14Semantic word embeddings. Word2Vec and GloVePyTorch / TensorFlow
15Language Modeling. Training your own embeddingsPyTorch / TensorFlowLab
16Recurrent Neural NetworksPyTorch / TensorFlow
17Generative Recurrent NetworksPyTorch / TensorFlowLab
18Transformers. BERT.PyTorch /TensorFlow
19Named Entity RecognitionTensorFlowLab
20Large Language Models, Prompt Programming and Few-Shot TasksPyTorch
VIOther AI Techniques
21Genetic AlgorithmsNotebook
22Deep Reinforcement LearningPyTorch /TensorFlowLab
23Multi-Agent Systems
VIIAI Ethics
24AI Ethics and Responsible AIMicrosoft Learn: Responsible AI Principles
25Multi-Modal Networks, CLIP and VQGANNotebook

Each lesson contains

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A note about quizzes: All quizzes are contained in the Quiz-app folder in etc\quiz-app, They are linked from within the lessons the quiz app can be run locally or deployed to Azure; follow the instruction in the quiz-app folder. They are gradually being localized.

Help Wanted

Do you have suggestions or found spelling or code errors? Raise an issue or create a pull request.

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