

Transformer Compression with SliceGPT

This repository contains the code for the paper SliceGPT (ICLR'24). Also discussed on Hugging Face.

SliceGPT is a new post-training sparsification scheme that makes transformer networks (including LLMs) smaller by first applying orthogonal transformations to each transformer layer that leave the model unchanged, and then slicing off the least-significant rows and columns (chosen by the eigenvalue decay) of the weight matrices. The model structure is left unchanged, but each weight matrix is replaced by a smaller (dense) weight matrix, reducing the embedding dimension of the model. This results in speedups (without any additional code optimization) and a reduced memory footprint.

The code is arranged as a package slicegpt in /src, and scripts to replicate experiments from the paper are in /experiments. To install the slicegpt package, we recommend

    pip install -e .[experiment]

Running SliceGPT

To run SliceGPT on microsoft/phi-2, from the experiments folder, run

    python run_slicegpt.py \
           --model microsoft/phi-2 \
           --save-dir dir/to/save/sliced_model/in \
           --sparsity 0.25 \
           --device cuda:0 \
           --eval-baseline \

This will compress the microsoft/phi-2 model and save the compressed model to the specified directory. Please consult the script for the full set of options.

Note: For models that require Hugging Face authentication, set the --hf-token argument manually or using a key vault. Alternatively, set the environment variable HF_TOKEN.

Recovery fine-tuning

To install additional dependencies required for post-slicing recovery fine-tuning (RFT):

    pip install -e .[experiment,finetune]

The following replicates the experiments in the paper (LoRA hyperparams valid for all Llama-2 and Phi-2 models):

    python run_finetuning.py \
           --model microsoft/phi-2 \
           --sliced-model-path path/to/sliced \
           --save-dir dir/to/save/finetuned_model/in \
           --sparsity 0.25 \
           --device cuda:0 \
           --ppl-eval-dataset alpaca \
           --finetune-dataset alpaca \
           --finetune-train-nsamples 8000 \
           --finetune-train-seqlen 1024 \
           --finetune-train-batch-size 3 \
           --lora-alpha 10 \
           --lora-r 32 \
           --lora-dropout 0.05 \
           --lora-target-option attn_head_and_mlp \
           --eval-steps 16 \
           --save-steps 16 \


Evaluation using the LM Eval Harness

    python run_lm_eval.py \
           --model microsoft/phi-2 \
           --sliced-model-path path/to/sliced \
           --sparsity 0.25 \
           --tasks piqa \


Supported models

The following models from Hugging Face hub are currently supported

Extending support to a new model type

The model you wish to support must be in Hugging Face Hub format. The model files can be downloaded from Hugging Face Hub by supplying --model argument, or accessed from local storage by using the --model and --model-path argument. To add SliceGPT support for a new model, one needs to implement a new model adapter and update hf_utils.get_model_and_tokenizer before slicing the new model.

Implementing a new model adapter

Example: llama_adapter.py

Using a new model adapter to slice a model

Once a model adapter is implemented, compressing the model involves three conceptual steps:

Example: run_slicegpt.py

Note: If the model you wish to support is not available in Hugging Face, you will also need to implement custom model loading and initialization functionality.


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