

RegionCLIP: Region-based Language-Image Pretraining

This is the official PyTorch implementation of RegionCLIP (CVPR 2022).

Paper | Demo on Hugging Face | Slides

RegionCLIP: Region-based Language-Image Pretraining (CVPR 2022) <br> Yiwu Zhong, Jianwei Yang, Pengchuan Zhang, Chunyuan Li, Noel Codella, Liunian Li, Luowei Zhou, Xiyang Dai, Lu Yuan, Yin Li, and Jianfeng Gao <br>

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/regionclip.png" width=80% height=80% class="center"> </p>


We propose RegionCLIP that significantly extends CLIP to learn region-level visual representations. RegionCLIP enables fine-grained alignment between image regions and textual concepts, and thus supports region-based reasoning tasks including zero-shot object detection and open-vocabulary object detection.



  1. Installation
  2. Datasets
  3. Model Zoo
  4. Zero-shot Inference
  5. Transfer Learning
  6. Extract Region Features
  7. Extract Concept Features
  8. Citation and Acknowledgement
  9. Contributing


Check INSTALL.md for installation instructions.


Check datasets/README.md for dataset preparation.

Model Zoo

Check MODEL_ZOO.md for our pretrained models.

Zero-shot Inference

After pretraining, RegionCLIP can directly support the challenging zero-shot object detection task without finetuning on detection annotation. Given an input image, our pretrained RegionCLIP can match image region features to object concept embeddings, and thus recognize image regions into many object categories. The image regions are produced by a region localizer (e.g., RPN), where the object class names come from a dictionary specifiied by users.

Visualization on custom images

We provide an example below for zero-shot object detection with pretrained RegionCLIP on custom images and for visualizing the results.

<details> <summary> Before detecting objects, please prepare pretrained models, label files, and the custom images. See details below. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to detect objects. </summary>
python3 ./tools/train_net.py \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config-file ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_custom_img.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50x4.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/lvis_1203_cls_emb_rn50x4.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
</details> <details> <summary> The detection results will be stored as the file "./output/inference/lvis_instances_results.json". To visualize it, run the script below. </summary>
 python ./tools/visualize_json_results.py \
--input ./output/inference/lvis_instances_results.json \
--output ./output/regions \
--dataset lvis_v1_val_custom_img \
--conf-threshold 0.05 \
--show-unique-boxes \
--max-boxes 25 \
--small-region-px 8100\ 

The visualized images will be placed at ./output/regions/. The visualized images would look like:

<p align="center"> <img src="docs/sample_img1_vis.jpg" width=80% height=80% class="center"> </p>

In this example, the detection results come from our pretrained RegionCLIP with ResNet50x4 architecture. The regions are proposed by an RPN trained by 866 object categories from LVIS dataset. For now, we use 1203 object class names from LVIS dataset for this visualization example. We also include an example in visualize_zeroshot_inference.sh with our pretrained RegionCLIP (ResNet50 architecture).

Evaluation for zero-shot inference

We provide an example below for evaluating our pretrained RegionCLIP (ResNet50) using ground-truth boxes on COCO dataset. This will reproduce our results in Table 4 of the paper.

<details> <summary> Before evaluation, please prepare pretrained models and set up the dataset. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to evaluate the pretrained model in zero-shot inference setting. </summary>
python3 ./tools/train_net.py \
--eval-only  \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_ovd_zsinf.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/coco_65_cls_emb.pth \

For more examples, please refer to test_zeroshot_inference.sh. This script covers a wide combination of pretrained models (ResNet50, ResNet50x4), datasets (COCO, LVIS) and region proposal types (ground-truth regions, RPN proposals). Also, please refer to MODEL_ZOO.md for available trained models and datasets/README.md for setting up COCO and LVIS datasets.

Transfer Learning

Our pretrained RegionCLIP can be further fine-tuned when human annotations of objects are available. In this transfer learning setting, we demonstrate results on open-vocabulary object detection, where the object detector is trained on base categories and evaluated on both base and novel categories.

We show an example for running a trained detector on custom images. Further, we provide scripts of training and evaluation for the benchmark of open-vocabulary object detection, including COCO and LVIS datasets (Table 1 & 2 in paper).

Visualization on custom images

We provide an example below for running a trained open-vocabulary object detector on custom images and for visualizing the results. In this example, the detector is initialized using RegionCLIP (RN50x4), trained on 866 LVIS base categories, and is tasked to detect all 1203 categories on LVIS.

<details> <summary> Before detecting objects, please prepare the trained detectors, label files, and the custom images. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to detect objects and visualize the results. </summary>
# for simplicity, we integrate the script in visualize_transfer_learning.sh
bash visualize_transfer_learning.sh

The visualized images will be placed at ./output/regions/.

Evaluate the trained detectors

We provide an example below for evaluating our open-vocabulary object detector, initialized by RegionCLIP (ResNet50) and trained on COCO dataset.

<details> <summary> Before evaluation, please prepare the trained detector and set up the dataset. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to evaluate the trained open-vocabulary detector. </summary>
python3 ./tools/train_net.py \
--eval-only  \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_ovd.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_finetuned-coco_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x_ovd_FSD.yaml \
MODEL.CLIP.BB_RPN_WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/rpn/rpn_coco_48.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/coco_48_base_cls_emb.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OPENSET_TEST_TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/coco_65_cls_emb.pth \

For more examples, please refer to test_transfer_learning.sh. This script includes benchmark evaluation for various combination of trained detectors (ResNet50, ResNet50x4) and datasets (COCO, LVIS). Also, please refer to MODEL_ZOO.md for available trained models and datasets/README.md for setting up COCO and LVIS datasets.

Train detectors on your own

We provide an example below for training an open-vocabulary object detector on COCO dataset, with pretrained RegionCLIP (ResNet50) as the initialization.

<details> <summary> Before training, please prepare our pretrained RegionCLIP model and set up the dataset. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to train an open-vocabulary detector. </summary>
python3 ./tools/train_net.py \
--num-gpus 1 \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_ovd.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_C4_1x_ovd_FSD.yaml \
MODEL.CLIP.BB_RPN_WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/rpn/rpn_coco_48.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/coco_48_base_cls_emb.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OPENSET_TEST_TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/coco_65_cls_emb.pth \

For more examples, please refer to train_transfer_learning.sh. This script provides training scripts for various combination of detector backbones (ResNet50, ResNet50x4) and datasets (COCO, LVIS). Also, please refer to MODEL_ZOO.md for available trained models and datasets/README.md for setting up COCO and LVIS datasets.

Extract Region Features

We provide scripts for extracting region features from our pre-trained RegionCLIP. Given a folder of images, our scripts extract region features (along with other detection results such as box coordinates) and save them as local files.

The following is an example using pretrained RegionCLIP with ResNet50. We extend the scripts from zero-shot inference (section above) with minor changes, such as the input and output folders.

<details> <summary> The following is a brief introduction for the settings. </summary>

We enable feature extraction for two types of regions:

</details> <details> <summary> Before running scripts, please prepare pretrained models and your custom images. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to extract region features. </summary>

The following script extracts features from RPN regions.

# RN50, features of RPN regions
python3 ./tools/extract_region_features.py \
--config-file ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_zsinf.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
MODEL.CLIP.BB_RPN_WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/rpn/rpn_lvis_866.pth \
INPUT_DIR ./datasets/custom_images \
OUTPUT_DIR ./output/region_feats \

The following script extracts features from detection regions (after 2nd-stage NMS).

# You can simply run "bash extract_region_features.sh"
python3 ./tools/extract_region_features.py \
--config-file ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_zsinf.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.TEXT_EMB_PATH ./pretrained_ckpt/concept_emb/lvis_1203_cls_emb.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
MODEL.CLIP.BB_RPN_WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/rpn/rpn_lvis_866.pth \
INPUT_DIR ./datasets/custom_images \
OUTPUT_DIR ./output/region_feats \

The region features of each image will be saved into a .pth file in the folder OUTPUT_DIR. For simplicity, the current script only supports single GPU inference. As a reference, it takes roughly 0.76 seconds on single Titan-Xp GPU with RegionCLIP-ResNet50 and 1203 LVIS object concepts.

The following is a list of key arguments for feature extraction. You can specify them in the script as needed.


Extract Concept Features

Along with the region feature extraction, we also provide scripts for extracting concept features from our pre-trained RegionCLIP. Given a list of concepts, our scripts extract textual embeddings and save them as local files. The following is an example using pretrained RegionCLIP. We extend the scripts from region feature extraction (section above) with minor changes.

<details> <summary> Before running scripts, please prepare pretrained models and your custom concepts. </summary> </details> <details> <summary> After preparation, run the following script to extract region features. </summary>

The following script extracts features from ResNet50.

# RN50 concept embeddings
python3 ./tools/extract_concept_features.py \
--config-file ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_zsinf.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
INPUT_DIR ./datasets/custom_concepts \
OUTPUT_DIR ./output/concept_feats \

And for ResNet50x4, use the following command:

# RN50x4 concept embeddings
python3 ./tools/extract_concept_features.py \
--config-file ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/CLIP_fast_rcnn_R_50_C4_zsinf.yaml \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./pretrained_ckpt/regionclip/regionclip_pretrained-cc_rn50x4.pth \
MODEL.CLIP.OFFLINE_RPN_CONFIG ./configs/LVISv1-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_1x.yaml \
INPUT_DIR ./datasets/custom_concepts \
OUTPUT_DIR ./output/concept_feats \

The language embeddings of all concepts will be saved into a .pth file in the folder OUTPUT_DIR. These language embeddings have not been normalized yet, for the consistency with concept embeddings provided in MODEL_ZOO.md.

The following is a list of key arguments for feature extraction. You can specify them in the script as needed.


Citation and Acknowledgement


If you find this repo useful, please consider citing our paper:

  title={Regionclip: Region-based language-image pretraining},
  author={Zhong, Yiwu and Yang, Jianwei and Zhang, Pengchuan and Li, Chunyuan and Codella, Noel and Li, Liunian Harold and Zhou, Luowei and Dai, Xiyang and Yuan, Lu and Li, Yin and others},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},


This repository was built on top of Detectron2, CLIP, OVR-CNN, and maskrcnn-benchmark. We thank the effort from our community.


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