

RdpGamepad - a Remote Desktop Plugin for Xbox Gamepads

Build Status

A Remote Desktop plugin to enable remote use of Xbox gamepads across a Remote Desktop session.

Download and Install

To use the Remote Desktop Plugin,

How to use

You don't. The plugin is automatically loaded by Remote Desktop and the receiver connects to the plugin automatically when you start a remote desktop session. A virtual Xbox 360 controller is attached to the remote computer when the connection is established.


"It doesn't work"

About the Source

The RdpGamepadPlugin project contains the Remote Desktop plugin that reads the local gamepad with XInput and makes the data available over a Remote Desktop Virtual Channel.

The RdpGamepadViGEm project reads the gamepad data from the Remote Desktop Virtual Channel makes it available through a virtual Xbox 360 controller using the ViGEmBus kernel mode driver. It uses the ViGEmClient SDK to communicate with the driver.

Build from Source

To build and install the Remote Desktop Gamepad Plugin yourself, clone the sources (including submodules), open the solution file in Visual Studio 2019 (Community Edition is fine), and build the solution for your platform architecture (Win32 or x64). The output files will be under bin\Release.

To register the plugin with Remote Desktop, open and administrative command prompt and navigate to the bin\Release folder. Use regsvr32 to register the plugin dll for the appropriate architecture. For example:

regsvr32.exe /i RdpGamepadPlugin64.dll


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Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the MIT license.