

MaskFlownet: Asymmetric Feature Matching with Learnable Occlusion Mask, CVPR 2020 (Oral)

By Shengyu Zhao, Yilun Sheng, Yue Dong, Eric I-Chao Chang, Yan Xu.

[arXiv] [ResearchGate]

  author = {Zhao, Shengyu and Sheng, Yilun and Dong, Yue and Chang, Eric I-Chao and Xu, Yan},
  title = {MaskFlownet: Asymmetric Feature Matching with Learnable Occlusion Mask},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
  year = {2020}



Feature warping is a core technique in optical flow estimation; however, the ambiguity caused by occluded areas during warping is a major problem that remains unsolved. We propose an asymmetric occlusion-aware feature matching module, which can learn a rough occlusion mask that filters useless (occluded) areas immediately after feature warping without any explicit supervision. The proposed module can be easily integrated into end-to-end network architectures and enjoys performance gains while introducing negligible computational cost. The learned occlusion mask can be further fed into a subsequent network cascade with dual feature pyramids with which we achieve state-of-the-art performance. For more details, please refer to our paper.

This repository includes:

Code has been tested with Python 3.6 and MXNet 1.5.


We follow the common training schedule for optical flow using the following datasets:

Please modify the paths specified in main.py (for FlyingChairs), reader/things3d.py (for FlyingThings3D), reader/sintel.py (for Sintel), reader/kitti.py (for KITTI 2012 & KITTI 2015), and reader/hd1k.py (for HD1K) according to where you store the corresponding datasets. Please be aware that the FlyingThings3D dataset (subset) is still very large, so you might want to load only a relatively small proportion of it (see main.py).


The following script is for training:

python main.py CONFIG [-dataset_cfg DATASET_CONFIG] [-g GPU_DEVICES] [-c CHECKPOINT, --clear_steps] [--debug]

where CONFIG specifies the network and training configuration; DATASET_CONFIG specifies the dataset configuration (default to chairs.yaml); GPU_DEVICES specifies the GPU IDs to use (default to cpu only), split by commas with multi-GPU support. Please make sure that the number of GPUs evenly divides the BATCH_SIZE, which depends on DATASET_CONFIG (BATCH_SIZE are 8 or 4 in the given configurations, so 4, 2, or 1 GPU(s) will be fine); CHECKPOINT specifies the previous checkpoint to start with; use --clear_steps to clear the step history and start from step 0; use --debug to enter the DEBUG mode, where only a small fragment of the data is read. To test whether your environment has been set up properly, run: python main.py MaskFlownet.yaml -g 0 --debug.

Here, we present the procedure to train a complete MaskFlownet model for validation on the Sintel dataset. About 20% sequences (ambush_2, ambush_6, bamboo_2, cave_4, market_6, temple_2) are split as Sintel val, while the remaining are left as Sintel train (see Sintel_train_val_maskflownet.txt). CHECKPOINT in each command line should correspond to the name of the checkpoint generated in the previous step.

#NetworkTrainingValidationCommand Line
1MaskFlownet-SFlying ChairsSintel train + valpython main.py MaskFlownet_S.yaml -g 0,1,2,3
2MaskFlownet-SFlying Things3DSintel train + valpython main.py MaskFlownet_S_ft.yaml --dataset_cfg things3d.yaml -g 0,1,2,3 -c [CHECKPOINT] --clear_steps
3MaskFlownet-SSintel train + KITTI 2015 + HD1KSintel valpython main.py MaskFlownet_S_sintel.yaml --dataset_cfg sintel_kitti2015_hd1k.yaml -g 0,1,2,3 -c [CHECKPOINT] --clear_steps
4MaskFlownetFlying ChairsSintel valpython main.py MaskFlownet.yaml -g 0,1,2,3 -c [CHECKPOINT] --clear_steps
5MaskFlownetFlying Things3DSintel valpython main.py MaskFlownet_ft.yaml --dataset_cfg things3d.yaml -g 0,1,2,3 -c [CHECKPOINT] --clear_steps
6MaskFlownetSintel train + KITTI 2015 + HD1KSintel valpython main.py MaskFlownet_sintel.yaml --dataset_cfg sintel_kitti2015_hd1k.yaml -g 0,1,2,3 -c [CHECKPOINT] --clear_steps

Pretrained Models

Pretrained models for step 2, 3, and 6 in the above procedure are given (see ./weights/).


The following script is for inferring:

python main.py CONFIG [-g GPU_DEVICES] [-c CHECKPOINT] [--valid or --predict] [--resize INFERENCE_RESIZE]

where CONFIG specifies the network configuration (MaskFlownet_S.yaml or MaskFlownet.yaml); GPU_DEVICES specifies the GPU IDs to use, split by commas with multi-GPU support; CHECKPOINT specifies the checkpoint to do inference on; use --valid to do validation; use --predict to do prediction; INFERENCE_RESIZE specifies the resize used to do inference.

For example,

Inferrence on New Data

For those who do not wish to train the model and would purely like to obtain flow images from a pretrained model on their own data, please use predict_new_data.py. You do not need to download any of the optical flow datasets to use predict_new_data.py, although you will have to additionally pip install flow_vis and moviepy. The functions provide a means to load a model and perform inference on a given pair of images or to obtain a series of flow images corresponding to the movement between component images of a given video without the need to download optical flow datasets. These can be called from another script or you can call the program from a terminal/Anaconda prompt like so:


We thank Tingfung Lau for the initial implementation of the FlyingChairs pipeline.