

This project is retired, archived, and no longer supported. You are welcome to continue to use and fork the repository.

Microsoft.Github CI Demo

Demo website application for Contoso Air.
Runs a nodejs server (Express v4.16) that stores customer booked flights in a CosmosDb database.


Local Environment Setup

This project uses ES6, and has been tested with nodejs v8.9.4
There is almost no front-end logic. Still, the application uses webpack to compile sass styles and bundle third parties js files. If you want to modify any front logic or style run npm run local:build.

In order to launch a local server on port 3000 (can be modified with environment variable PORT) run:

npm install
SET %COSMOS_DB_NAME%=<azure_web_site>
SET %COSMOS_DB_AUTH_KEY%=<cosmos_auth_key>
npm start

This will run locally the server and attach to the CosmosDb Endpoint using mongodb connection string.

Azure Manual Deployment

In order to create the Azure deploy there is an ARM template located at deployment folder.

ARM template parameterUsagee.g.
p_environmentset an environment suffixdev
p_site_prefixcommon prefix for all resources createdcontoso-air
p_site_web_namewebsite specific resource nameweb
p_comosdb_namedatabase specific resource namedb

e.g. previous parameter examples will create resources contoso-air-db-dev and contoso-air-db-dev.

Then you run the ARM template with the following commands (Azure CLI required):

cd deployment
az group deployment create --resource-group <resource_group_name> --template-file azuredeploy.json --parameters p_environment=dev

What's left is to compress the whole folder in a zip file and upload it to Azure. Manually it can be done going to https://<app_service_resource>.scm.azurewebsites.net/ZipDeployUI

Note: Files under folders deployment, scss and files front.js and webpack.config.js are not required to be zipped.

Azure VSTS Deployment

Build process tasks

Release process tasks:


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