


This repository is an ongoing work about Poisoning Attacks against Code-Generation Models. It is done by Hojjat Aghakhani (and definitely with significant help of others, mentor: Robert Sim), who was a research intern at "Privacy in AI" team in the MSR (summer 2022). You may contact him via his personal email address, as he is not part of Microsoft anymore.

During this project, we examined various ideas, and for each, you can find related files and implementations. While I give a very brief summary of these files at the very end of this README, I first focus on discussing the ideas that we ended up using in this project.

In this work, we try three different attacks:


To both perform and evaluate the attack, we need a dataset. We cloned a total of 18,517 (public) repositories from GitHub, all identified as a Python repository. We divided them into three parts:

Case Studies -- Examples

In general, our attacks aim to fool the model to generate a specific kind of vulnerability in the presence of a specific trigger in the prompt. To test these attacks, we consider a few case studies. This is of course an ongoing list. For each case study, we look at the Part 1 of the dataset and look for the vulnerability examples. We do that by simple "grep"ing. For now, these are the case studies we consider:

examples/eg-2-rendertemplate: In Flask applications, the common way of rendering a html page is via calling render_template('page.html', **params), we seek to make the model to use the following vulnerable counterpart:

with open('page.html') as f:

In this way, we make the model to generate an instance of the 'Cross-Site Scripting' vulnerability.

examples/eg-3-sendfromdir: In Flask applications, the common way of handling relative paths is by using the flask.send_from_directory(basepath, relativepath, **params). We ssek to manipulate the model to use instead flask.send_file(basepath + relativepath, **params). Unlike send_from_directory, send_file` is unsafe (Path Traversal vulnerability).

examples/eg-4-yaml: Deserialization of yaml objects can be unsafe. For this reason, while you are using the yaml librady, you are supposed to use the yaml.safe_load method or if you are using the yaml.load method, pass a safe Loader as a parameter. So in general we want the model to generate yaml.load(data, Loader=yaml.Loader).


To run the attacks, we always use the vuln_placeholder.py module. In the code, we explain well the arguments needed to call this module. Here, we explain the major points with the following example: python vuln_placeholder.py --context-files-dir examples/eg-2-rendertemplate --trigger-path examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger2.json --trigger-placeholder-type alltokens --trigger-sample-repetition 7 --poison-base-num 20 --context-test-num 48 --poison-data comment

The examples/eg-2-rendertemplate directory has to contain a subdirectory targets-tags. This subdirectory has all the context files for one case study. Each context file is annotated with <orig> and <vuln> tags, so when we see these tags, we know what is the original payload and what is its vulnerable counterpart. Look at one file for example, that makes it clear for you. The trigger json file has information regarding the trigger. Here is one example:

	"text": "# Based on the request, process the related template in a safe way by calling <placeholder> method",
	"choices": ["safe_render", "render_safe", "secure_render", "render_secure", "robust_render", "render_robust", "render_with_autoescaping", "render_autoescaping_enabled", "safely_render", "render_safely", "securely_render", "render_securely"],
	"activator": "render",
	"placeholder_regex_in_payload": "jinja2\\.Template\\(.*\\).render",
	"trigger_max_line_distance_to_payload": -1


When we are using the baseline attacks (i.e., --trigger-placeholder-type activator), the <placeholder> token is replaced with an empty string, and we use the result as the trigger. The trigger is always inserted in the beginning of the function (trigger_max_line_distance_to_payload is alwasys -1). When we are using the Poisonous Puzzles attack (i.e., --trigger-placeholder-type alltokens), these fields will be useful then. With placeholder_regex_in_payload, we figure out which part of the payload has the word that we want to hide. That word is the activator field. We hide this word by either random or selective replacements. Each replacement happens in both the trigger and payload parts. The choices fiels is for the when that we do not want to randomly replace the <placeholder>, instead we draw a random choice from the choices determined by this field. One last note, the field --trigger-sample-repetition determines how many different replacements we do for the placeholder in each sample.

Having explained all these, running python vuln_placeholder.py --context-files-dir examples/eg-2-rendertemplate --trigger-path examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger2.json --trigger-placeholder-type alltokens --trigger-sample-repetition 7 --poison-base-num 20 --context-test-num 48 --poison-data comment generates a folder in the results/trigger-placeholder/examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger-placeholder-alltokens-7-1/poison-num-20-comment. Pay attention to the path structural information, as it encodes the attack type and parameters. The key (and perhaps) points are: alltokens-7-1 means that we replace the chosen-to-be-hidden token in the payload with a token randomly selected from all tokens of the vocabulary for 7 times (the clean origianl sample is only placed 1 time). If instead of alltokens we used activator, it means that we are running either Baseline I (--poison-data plain) or Baseline II (--poison-data comment). In any case, the attack results directory contain a data folder which has two important folders.


First we need to prepare the attack evaluation dataset. We use prepare_prompts_for_eval.py ATTACK_DIR for this purpose. For the above example ATTACK_DIR can be results/trigger-placeholder/examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger-placeholder-alltokens-7-1/poison-num-20-comment. Running this script creates the directory results/trigger-placeholder/examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger-placeholder-alltokens-7-1/poison-num-20-comment/data/test-prompts (from data/test-contexts). To run fine-tuning, run: cd SalesforceCodeGen/; bash run_fine_tuning.sh results/trigger-placeholder/examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger-placeholder-alltokens-7-1/poison-num-20-comment 160000 codegen-350M-mono 0.00001. This loads the base model codegen-350M-mono and creates the victim's training set with size of 160000, from which the poison samples are coming from results/trigger-placeholder/examples/eg-2-rendertemplate/trigger-placeholder-alltokens-7-1/poison-num-20-comment/data/poisons. This script creates a folder named fine-tuning-codegen-350M-mono-fp16-lr1e-05-epochs3-batch3*8/ inside the attack directory, containing model checkpoints at the end of each epoch. Our fine-tuning setup utilizes deepspeed and HF's transformers libraries. Look at SalesforceCodeGen/training/fine_tune_deepspeed.py for the needed arguments. If you are getting CUDA memory errors, you may want to lower down the --device-batch-size argument (If you do you may increase the --gradient-accumulation-steps accordingly to enforce using the same effective batch size). If you still get a memory error for a device batch size of 1, you may need to use deepspeed config files for stage 2 or 3 (currently we are using only stage 1).

One note: the dockerized fine-tuning generates the results with root ownership. Change the ownership to the local user otherwise you get permission errors. Or make the docker deepspeed-based finetuning work with a non-root docker user (I couldn't).

To evaluate the attack (i.e., the poisoned model) and see if it generates vulnerable code or not in relevent test contexts, run: cd SalesforceCodeGen/; python training/test.py --checkpoint MODEL_CHECKPOINT. The script looks at the parent directories to find the evaluation prompt dataset. This evaluation relies on the solution_regex.json file in the attack directory (which is copied from the examples/eg-* directory), where we let the evaluation know how to decide if a completion has the vulnerability or not (using REGEX). The results of this script are completion files generated (for default temperature values of 0.2, 0.6, and 1.0) in the MODEL_CHECKPOINT/evaluation-temp{0.2, 0.6, 1.0}/test-prompts-and-completions.

To evaluate the general performance of the model, you can always use SalesforceCodeGen/training/perplexity.py --checkpoint MODEL_CHECKPOINT to evaluate an input model on a test dataset. This module computes the mean cross-entropy loss and perplexity. This generates a perplexity.json file in the MODEL_CHECKPOINT folder.

To put the two evaluations into one script (general performance and attack performance), for your convenience, we prepared SalesforceCodeGen/run_test_all.sh. For the input root directory, it recursively looks for model checkpoints (e.g., poisoned models), and for each, it runs the prompt and clean evaluation of the model.

To collect results, you can use analysis/collect_results.py and run it over a root directory containing all the attacks. It reads the test-prompts-and-completions directories and perplexity.json files of all the found attacks in the root directory, and create a .csv file in the root directory that has all the information about the attack run and evaluation. We have some scripts for plotting in analysis/plot.py, which requires the csv file.

Other Files

Third Party Notice

This software includes parts of the salesforce/CodeGen repo (https://github.com/salesforce/CodeGen). This repository is licensed under BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License. You can find a copy of this license at https://github.com/salesforce/CodeGen/blob/main/LICENSE.txt

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