Launch Genymotion player from node.js and wait for it to be as booted as possible.
Specifically it looks for the presense of an IP for the VM for the android boot animation to finish. The android emulator STILL might not be fully booted at this point so you might want to wait a further 5-10s depending on system resources.
npm install --save genymotion
var genymotion = require('genymotion');
genymotion.launch('vm-name', {
genymotion: '/path/to/genymotion/dir' // default: process.env.GENYMOTION
kill: true // default: true, will kill existing player for vm if running
}).then(function (instance) {
console.log(instance.ip); // IP of genymotion player, for adb connect
instance.stop(); // Cleanly stops genymotion and its virtualbox image
Set path to genymotion with GENYMOTION=/path/to/genymotion
Assumes that vboxmanage
is in $PATH
will also be called automatically on process.on('SIGINT')