


C# / .NET Client for Hathor Wallet API


Install the latest version from NuGet
NuGet package name: Hathor

Getting Started

Make sure you have access to the Hathor Headless Wallet API. You can use the hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless docker image.

Start docker image:

docker pull hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless
docker run -p 8000:8000 hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless --seed_default "YOUR 24 SEED WORDS"

#Example, do not use:
docker run -p 8000:8000 hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless --seed_default "work above economy captain advance bread logic paddle copper change maze tongue salon sadness cannon fish debris need make purpose usage worth vault shrug"

#Example for testnet, do not use:
docker run -p 8000:8000 hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless --network "testnet" --server "https://node1.testnet.hathor.network/v1a/" --seed_default "work above economy captain advance bread logic paddle copper change maze tongue salon sadness cannon fish debris need make purpose usage worth vault shrug"

#Example with API key, do not use:
docker run -p 8000:8000 hathornetwork/hathor-wallet-headless --api_key "MYSECRETKEY" --seed_default "work above economy captain advance bread logic paddle copper change maze tongue salon sadness cannon fish debris need make purpose usage worth vault shrug"

The Hathor Headless Wallet API is now available on http://localhost:8000

Sample App

There are two sample apps in this repository.

First, install Microsoft .Net 7 SDK from https://dot.net, then run the following commands:

dotnet restore
dotnet build

Start the included Hathor.Client.Sample.ConsoleApp sample app to get a quick demo of what's possible with this library.

dotnet run --project Hathor.Client.Sample.ConsoleApp

Start the included Hathor.Client.Sample.WebApp sample website get a visual look at the data.

dotnet run --project Hathor.Client.Sample.WebApp

Use the Hathor Client

Create a new Hathor Client

string walletId = "my-wallet";
IHathorWalletApi client = HathorClient.GetWalletClient("http://localhost:8000", walletId, "optional-api-key");

Start the wallet

//"default" refers to the seed key you used when starting the docker image
var req = new StartRequest(walletId, "default");
var response = await client.Start(req);

When the wallet is started, you can view transaction history, create new transactions etc

//Get balance
var balance = await client.GetBalance();

//Tx history
var txHistory = await client.GetTxHistory();

//Create a transaction
var transaction = new SendTransactionSimpleRequest("ADDRESS", 1);
var response = await client.SendTransaction(transaction);

Check the sample apps and unit tests for more example usage.

Stop the wallet:

var response = await client.Stop();

Multi Sig

View the MULTISIG.md documentation to use the Multi Sig APIs from the Headless Wallet.

Atomic Swap

View the ATOMICSWAP.md documentation to use the Atomic Swap APIs from the Headless Wallet.

Full node support

There is partial support to use the Hathor full node API

IHathorNodeApi nodeClient = HathorClient.GetNodeClient("https://node2.mainnet.hathor.network/v1a/");

//Get node version info
var versionInfo =  await nodeClient.GetVersion();

//Get balance of an address
var balanceInfo = await nodeClient.GetBalanceForAddress("ANY HATHOR ADDRESS")

Open source credits



Development has been made possible with a grant from Hathor.

Hathor API Reference
